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I dunno if he is in the movie but in the books he and the other kid travel into the future in one book and the Blonde kid has a Husband ::]::


so there's that


evidently the Black kid marries a white woman apparently so that's also progressive


Woah Woah Woah let's hold up a minute is it still the sAmerican author who wrote that book

Dav Pilkey?, as far as I've been told yes


Harold is gay and both he and George also apperently have ADHD


why the hell did I never read these books as a child?!, probably be a lot less negative if I had


So just looked into this it was the 12th book that made Harold gay and caused  it to be banned from some librarys




still happened, Harold's still gay, cut, print, gay ::]::


So just looked into this it was the 12th book that made Harold gay and caused  it to be banned from some librarys


Captain Underpants has been getting banned since the first book came out. (I've been checking the ALA list every year since 2004 for our annual book ban.)



evidently the Black kid marries a white woman apparently so that's also progressive



Except for when the black guy takes the mantle of Captain Underpants because he never feels the need to put on slacks as he doesn't work and just mooches off the white woman.


So just looked into this it was the 12th book that made Harold gay and caused  it to be banned from some librarys


Wow, there were 12 books? I had the first few of them but Jesus.


as did i. i thought they were the funniest thing in like 4th grade or whatever


I liked em, they inspired me and my sister to make our own comics.


I dunno if he is in the movie but in the books he and the other kid travel into the future in one book and the Blonde kid has a Husband ::]::


so there's that


evidently the Black kid marries a white woman apparently so that's also progressive


They didn't do any mentioning of shipping in the film.


They didn't do any mentioning of shipping in the film.

then there's no reason to assume he isn't still gay in the film

then there's no reason to assume he isn't still gay in the film


They will probably just rewrite him straight, just like how they did with the two gay men in Road To Eldorado when they instead made them both fall in love with that lady.




They will probably just rewrite him straight, just like how they did with the two gay men in Road To Eldorado when they instead made them both fall in love with that lady.


that's a possibility but it isn't actually likely, Dreamworks only did that to Road To Eldorado because the MPAA put pressure on them to at the time


but if the MPAA okayed the gay reveal in Paranorman, the acknowledgement of Same sex parents in the Boxtrolls and Storks, and retconning Lefou as gay on Beauty and the Beast (which kinda blew up in Disney's face but I digress) it might not be out of the question for there to be a subtle hint that Harold isn't straight in the Captain Underpants movie, not specifically that he's Gay but it's actually more likely they will just not say either way whether he is gay or straight and just not bring up romance period

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