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  1. Oh, that's right...Cna't post in DF with these....Anyway @NaBoomer, no birthday
  2. I think the chair video was lost from YouTube some time ago. Just make a status on FB asking about....a few of them have it saved
  3. Can someone post that so you had a bad day song. I don't wanna
  4. Well, considering my bad days are often self inflicted, I just have to suck it up. Can't really think of any bad days recently that didn't exist because I put myself in a situation that I could have fully avoided
  5. Really? I've had it done a time or two, and while it does leave you raw...I've never bled.
  6. You don't say? Are you going to haphazardly assume that everyone here thinks the world started with the moniker AD attached to it?
  7. Don't know who that is....But it's a pretty generic observation, so I'll believe it.
  8. there was no year 0, so yup.
  9. Until you get that duel links, I'm not concerned with your plight.
  10. I remember when those were hot....Now apparently I'm into tshirts, jogging pants and bonnets....Brang that thang over her, comfy girl.
  11. I'll check it later, not sure what your schedule is like but I'll be around from 4-6 central, so 2-4 on your end and I'll be working graveyard tonight with absolutely nothing to do....If you're up and have time at either of those junctures, I'm game.
  12. Parental violence worked until I outgrew my 5'4 mother.....Not that I would ever turn the violence back on her, but I was now faster and had options other than coming home until the heat died down.
  13. lol.....He's just a boy. Buuuuuuuuut, I will give you the benefit of the doubt by being a woman raising a little man. I figure he might try you. My problem is quite the opposite....I've got a daughter who stands around and roasts people with me.
  14. Buddy isn't bad, and he knows when I mean business....But that mouth of his just Solar flares the shit out of me sometimes. And it's not his fault, because everything he says is something he's heard me say
  15. I think you're missing some context here....Not that they owe you any, but you always have this smug tone to your solutions. Mid, first of all isn't denying his fuel to the fire, so I have no idea how finger wagging is helping, but I think Disco wanting her posts, and anything associated with her account removed is because someone who can't mind their own business decided to target her.....And no matter how many people have targeted the person in question, Disco never has....It's all a blatant misuse of information because the sleuth is too fucking dumb to dig up anything relevant or unfabricated on anyone else. Now with that said, you keep up the good fight....You keep up this special brand of being the change while shoehorning in on situations you are oblivious about.
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