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Everything posted by ghostrek

  1. I actually like spam,clockwork orange is one of the worst films I ever seen, new Simpsons is not as bad as everyone thought mcDonald's french fries are not that bad karen's are kind of tolerable and small doses
  2. ? why ok dont get it?
  3. never send people money @scoobdog
  4. Whatever I posted it in one of my threads next time I register to vote i will turn in a drug screening test to election officials That I force myself to randomly take
  5. Next time I register to vote I will hand them results of a drug testing that I force myself to take at random .how random is it When I'm making it myself do it? To see how they would react.
  6. here another one @scoobdog
  7. She actually apologized finally after reading it it seems kind of like written by someone else or written like it was fake like it's not sincere it's just I better say sorry before I lose all my money can't make more unless they get a different job
  8. @discolé monade cool thank
  9. disco I was referring to something totally different @discolé monade
  10. not that much my YouTube my personal opinion this might even destroy YouTube
  11. I think this is laughably stupid That's what I ultimately think
  12. me creepy? @discolé monade why she nationalized citizen
  13. any coments
  14. good ponit
  15. Yes those YouTubers did say that but a lot of youtubers say that
  16. Me and the funniest thing I saw today my cat looking at the TV and being very interested with Knight Rider
  17. Okay my issue is the platform has rules of conduct and she violated them majorly wrong and YouTube does have hey track record of ignoring major wrongs popular YouTubers do i'm pretty sure sniper wolf or PewDiePie or Mr Beast could rob a bank and YouTube would still allow their content on the platform Would they upload more Hopefully not they would be one bank robbers two in prison 3 If you rob a bank do not upload something to you YouTube ever again. That shit can be tracked down quickly. @scoobdog
  18. more stuff
  19. well no but I am not going to make a statement of misogyny or anything close intentionally you know I have a history of being creepy on this platform but yeah yeah she's looking pretty on the platform is the only thing going for her jack's Films is going after her just because to take down another YouTuber. The whole taking down of a YouTuber thing like I said before YouTube is actually a very competitive thing uncertain levels. YouTube is known for causing infighting among creators that were once friendly to each other. In one way or the other. Or an asshole becomes a leader and then treats everyone like shit but hey that's a totally different subject for a totally different day. @scoobdog
  20. melons ? I won't use the term smartest melons in the bungee because well melons are a colloquialism for you know boobs i'm not trying so not the smartest Apple in the bunch because I don't want to be called a misogynist
  21. As she doesn't seem like she the smartest Apple in the bunch
  22. yes he is makes me want to think about ADHD medication being under prescribed
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