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Everything posted by ghostrek

  1. that a different Godzilla
  2. I don't think you are asshole
  3. no but dam that one of the dritiest thing i ever read
  4. hey long time no see
  5. I use to write theme all the time
  6. I can't remember and I don't give a fuck
  7. kagome and her dad (Godzilla) is coming back
  8. snow white also
  9. not the fucking subject to joking about
  10. well I am not the guy to comment about this it is time to start carrying a fucking gun may I suggest a 9mm pistol
  11. why not this one going to shit time to make a new one
  12. ok cool
  13. cool picture
  14. I worked to day
  15. dude don't go there
  16. thank you
  17. yes I am
  18. i am bald early plus facial hair
  19. when is your birthday
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