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Everything posted by NaBarney

  1. Go out to the woods and have a wonderful day to yourself OP
  2. It might be the crazy bad weather vibes making him feel extra weird Give him a Benadryl
  3. Ive consulted with the paranoid part of my brain and the volcano should be fine I think since it's still real herbs and not the weird spices and jellies that hiccup the lungs. I've been smoking a little and sitting outside, nice weather. Staying indoors is too depressing
  4. I just took my ABC license test online this morning. Great timing !
  5. And just the stuff about le rona damaging lungs idk
  6. She's.... talking about weed
  7. I mean I could be completely wrong I don't know at all. I have never habitually Vaped, it's just some of what I've been seeing. Like "I thought I had it because my chest was tightening up and hurting but the next day I just realized I was hitting the juul to hard" while they're still juuling all throughout a whole busy shift combined with all the weird things like that heard over time
  8. Depression berries
  9. It can live on cardboard for like a full day...
  10. Stop vaping!!! Even if ur quarantining hard it still ain't good for ur lungs rn just in case, idk. My more scared friends have stopped juuling bc they're worried about their baby lungs during all this. U got any plant matter to wheeze on instead?
  11. Supposed to be essential travel only yet they're totally fine with all the hundreds of homeless people milling about while tens of thousands of hotel rooms sit empty and hundreds of hotel employees are laid off and thousands more having their hours cut due to lack of occupancy.
  12. Anybody who would like me to honor them after their passing by posting in character the way they used to post, I am willing to do that upon request.
  13. You must looove that
  14. This is even worse than when they make you take PTO at the end of the year. Go cultivate a soul for yourself, drone
  15. This is how I feel on day one of the non essential businesses shutdown here. I looked at this list of places deemed essential and had to rack my brain to come up with more than a couple types of places that dont quality as "essential." Most everywhere is still open, most everyone still working. Fucking florists?? https://www.wate.com/news/knox-county-closes-all-nonessential-businesses-with-safer-at-home-order
  16. My state has still done nothing but my city and county today closed non essential businesses and banned non essential travel. Restaurants still open to do Togo/delivery and hotels aren't allowed to serve any breakfast. Again this is just local, state still doing nothing.
  17. How much an hour do they pay you to throw bags of flour around? Sorry if you already said it somewhere
  18. How many hours a day can customers enter the building, all 24? Y'all closing for a few late night hours for sanitizing or anything?
  19. Get him a cheap pothos plant aka devil's ivy from the grocery store floral department and follow a tutorial to take some cuttings from it and get that thing growing in your tank. Something cool to watch grow roots while he's home from school the next however many months and the betta will love it. Maybe snag some cheap fish from the pet store if they're not closed yet. (I'm assuming you at least have a 10 gallon but idr)
  20. One pt job so far remains open. The local restaurant is about to go out of business though.
  21. From 36 hours a week to about 22, probably 16 within two weeks
  22. Lol @Doom Metal Alchemist I was going to post that Trapt
  23. Honestly I think you're probably good.
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