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Everything posted by NaBarney

  1. Quick, you better establish dominance or the defendant will think he can play you if he gets convicted and might come after you when he gets out.
  2. My posts were stolen off the boards!
  3. cosigning ghostrek on this one
  4. Agreed. Petty, petty
  5. My blog thread and posts from this morning have been dragged to the shadow realm for reasons that remain justified but uncool.
  6. Yell out "Juror Dredd up in this b" or however you talk
  7. Threaten everyone in the court room, establish yourself as alpha juror
  8. If anyone here is under 14 I'll kill them
  9. It was definitely upon me yesterday afternoon
  10. Make this correct
  11. I feel like Kevin Love played terrible in the playoffs last year too. That might not be true, maybe it was just in the Finals. I'm sure he won't get traded this year but for some reason I feel like he won't finish his contract in Cleveland. Maybe I just really want to see Love for Melo backfire on everybody involved badly enough that it actually seems like a possible thing that might happen, even though it's probably not. Love for Griffin backfiring would also be hilarious
  12. This is real? Lol. Oh god. A surprising # of girls I've been close to have confided in me that their brothers, or other male relatives, often brothers, touched them inappropriately during adolescence. So it's probably best to not ever break out the incest role-playing unless you know they're cool with it.
  13. One night I went swimming alone in a quarry hundreds of feet deep while it was raining and I was drunk. I ended up in the middle of the water at one point and, because I wear glasses and had taken them off before getting wet, and because it was so dark, I got so spun around I couldn't tell which way to swim back to shore (most of the quarry is surrounded by steep cliff faces, there's only one small path that leads down to the water.) I remember feeling all drunk and tired and kept floating on my back in circles looking up at the cloudy rainy summer sky. I was probably talking to myself too. Remember breathing pretty hard. Eventually I found my way back to the only shallow spot but passed out on a rock as soon as I got most of the way out of the water. I don't know how long I was asleep but woke up later when the cold rain really started coming down hard. I couldn't find my shirt or glasses so I grabbed this XL gray army shirt someone else had left and drove home wearing that, no glasses, still drunk, barely able to see through my rainy windshield at 2:30am
  14. I will never like your posts
  15. So you're committed to never making any sense again.
  16. What a laugher that Warriors-Cavs game was. I feel like Kevin Love played but I don't remember seeing him actually doing anything. Ghosted. LeBron will still pick up his customary eastern conference championship just because who else even plays in the east, but I don't think think Cleveland has a chance against the Golden State Durants in the Finals.
  17. NaBarney


    What happened to babbling? Did someone get scared or upset?
  18. Guesses? http://unevenedge.imfapp.in/menagerie/
  19. That sucks I had tickets to see him fight Necrobutcher in a glass cage match at a middle school in the rust belt next weekend. RAM JAM
  20. When's this fanfiction phase going to end
  21. Think of it this way. Rich people are hoarding all the wealth, right? Well if you take the average, or mean, of all incomes, rich and poor, you get like $75,000. All that number tells you is, add up everyone's incomes, divide by the # of people, and if everybody made the exact same amount, that's how much they would make. But if you say I want to line all the people up in order of richest to poorest, and stop in the very middle, the very middle guy of all the people lined up, what does he make? Well, median income is only about $50,000, a hell of a lot lower than that $75,000 average, so ya know ownership of wealth is top heavy, there's millionaires and billionaires bumping the average up while almost everyone else is making far below that $75,000 figure. Another way to think of it is, let's say one guy made $1000 and 99 guys made $1 each. Find the mean, (1099/100=) it'll show an average of about $11 per person. However, line those people up richest to poorest, $1000 guy is over there chilling on the end, and then a whole line of $1 guys, the median is $1 because that's what the middle guy is making, but you wouldn't have known that had you just gone with the rosier picture the average painted and assumed most people were making somewhere close to $11.
  22. Yeah, it will never be more than this
  23. WOAH I'm going to have to try this
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