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Everything posted by Sketch

  1. Though some people might dislike having two separate runs of the show going simultaneously clogging slots, I would prefer that to them just dumping the rerun as soon as the new episodes are ready. I'm also not a fan of the idea that Hunter could get pushed all the way to 3AM if they simply shifted Attack on Titan earlier. That's a real lousy way to go out but it would be even worse if they decided to put it at 3:30AM because it's on the way out. I wonder if they only recently re-obtained the ability to air season 1 on TV. Part of that season has been streaming on Adult Swim's website and app for years but we haven't seen season 1 on TV since September of 2015. It would have been a real good idea to rerun season 1 leading up to season 2 or at least rerunning season 1 and 2 before season 3 started. That probably would have helped Titan find some new viewers. But now the only two options are to cut off this rerun early or air season 3 part 2 and season 1 at the same time. It's not all that different from airing Super and Kai at the same time or Boruto and Shippuden but it's still kind of a waste of the single rerun slot. Frankly I don't care what airs at 3:30AM (or after that for that matter, I'm asleep by then) but it sure doesn't help Toonami's consistent lack of variety issue.
  2. How horrific that would have been.
  3. I must admit I'm quite surprised Bang Zoom is doing two super fast dubs this season but it's great news for Mob fans and potentially Toonami.
  4. So the 8 of those Boruto's did worse than the regular reruns of Pop Team Epic, Iron-Blooded Orphans and Samurai Jack in the 18-49 demographic. That's hilariously sad. I'd have to figure the upswing in the back was due to a lack of competition as well as them being the most recent episodes. Boruto sure doesn't hold a candle to DBS. I do believe Toonami bet on the wrong horse this time.
  5. It may not make sense but DBS following Family Guy does better than any other combination in recent years. DBS can in fact, out rate Family Guy reruns when Family Guy is right before it but DBS will not do as well without Family Guy leading into it. That implies a decent amount of cross-over audience. Family Guy itself struggles to get 1 million viewers on weeknights at 11:30PM, given that it's unlikely DBS will break 800,000 with the upcoming schedule. I just hope it see's an increase that puts it on par with FOX reruns again.
  6. I’ll be a little shocked if they air every episode of Ballmasterz before pulling it. But hey 1.5 hours of ballz!
  7. I was stoked for Megalobox but yeah, it’s too predictable lately or unpredictable in a bad way.
  8. I hear the latest line-up promo uses a clip from the first episode of BC season 2. Also, CR has the master license to Black Clover not FUNimation.
  9. As it stands, the only FUNimation dubs that have aired on Toonami in a timely manner in the past three years have been Attack on Titan, Dragon Ball Super, Black Clover, Dimension W and I suppose you could say Pop Team Epic but it was more than a season behind still. None of their other big shows with fast dubs managed to air on Toonami for whatever reason so really this doesn't change much of anything. It might be a potential additional road block for some upcoming anime but it likely will not affect Toonami's ability to air shows from FUNimation's backlog. It seems like Toonami had to wait until Hulu's exclusivity window with Tokyo Ghoul and My Hero Academia dubs came to an end before they were able to get those series and I expect future FUNimation series that catch Hulu's eye will have an exclusivity window but not be locked down forever. Where this can be problematic for Toonami is Hulu is a much wider used service than FUNimation's own service so if Hulu gets a show and it streams for a year or so you can bet a lot more people will watch it there than they would have if it was just on FUNimation's service. By now it should be evident that airing popular shows after Hulu or another big streaming venue has had them for a year or so isn't the best use of Toonami's budget. They should give up on getting shows that have been heavily exposed and dig deeper for shows that aren't as well known. So yeah, this will potentially make more shows less worthwhile for Toonami to go after but 20 or so shows a year isn't all that many when you consider around 40 anime air every season in Japan. Maybe if they can't get the biggest titles due to this along with some shows going to Amazon and Netflix then focus more on building audiences for lesser known titles that might new viewers and interest the long-standing ones. Pretty sure that's better than a line-up that mostly screams "seen it already". At any rate the Hulu deal won't keep Attack on Titan, My Hero Academia, Dragon Ball Super and Black Clover off of Toonami. I fully expect any additional seasons to end up on Toonami eventually.
  10. DeMarco has never wanted a sequel to Bebop and thank the stars for that.
  11. I think if someone would foot the bill for a union dub recorded at NYAV Post’s LA studio they could get a lot of the original dub actors back for these. The major rub is Canadian actors though some have moved to California. If it’s non-union you won’t be hearing Blum back as Spike.
  12. I forgot about that statement.
  13. Alex wasn’t saying anything about the viewers. Rather that the staff might not want to air the show due to the school shootings frequently occurring this past year. AS did originally skip episodes of Bebop around 9/11. I know that was over 15 years ago but it set a precedent.
  14. It’s probably not that. More likely Toonami wasn’t interested in the side-story right now and Aniplex wasn’t gonna let that delay them. If it was this or Megalo then I’d say they made the right call.
  15. Ironically people have since warmed up to Clover and now feel that Toonami shouldn't have buried it when they did. I don't really care either way but since it often beats shows airing ahead of it, it does seem like they made a mistake demoting it so much.
  16. Nah all the characters are uniformly rounder in the anime and because of that they lose some distinct features, particularly the faces but in the bodies as well. For a lack of better terms the manga has more human proportions despite maybe unrealistic breasts and hips.
  17. At this point they probably need to dedicate one slot to a total shot in the dark brand new show as often as possible. Dimension W wasn't a great show by any means but people watched it.
  18. Well the manga art seems quite a bit better than the anime. Noted. That must be Cow Girl and she's a cutie in the anime but dang son the manga has that beat.
  19. The first episode of Goblin Slayer is pretty dang graphic, plenty is not shown but you know exactly what's going on. I've seen every episode thus far and that's by far the most graphic encounter. That one episodes makes the cartoonish sexual assault in SAO look like nothing by comparison but it's still not Berserk. It could air on Toonami probably with no additional editing. Maybe they could take advantage of the fact that people may not immediately subscribe to FUNimation to keep watching those dubs but it's probably already too late to grab those viewers. People don't wait. They find other means legal or otherwise.
  20. What is this... asking for a friend.
  21. Not this time.
  22. They kind of already are but so far the results show Naruto still isn’t Dragon Ball.
  23. I see some people suggest that if they ditch DB then they'll be healthier for it by eliminating the outlier to their ratings. I kind of get what they're saying because right now (and this has probably always been the case) DBS is an island. People tune in for that and only that and then leave. By eliminating DBZ/DBS they will inevitably lose a lot of viewers but the bar will then be set lower for the rest of the shows because nothing will stand-out much. The thing is though without at least one big draw, Toonami may do badly enough to finally get cancelled. It's more likely DB reruns will survive somewhere on Adult Swim than any show that isn't an original. Based on what we're seeing with Kai, a Super rerun would probably be on level with the remaining premieres. It would likely surprise no one if Toonami started with DBZ Kai and DBS reruns back to back by the end of next year, especially if they still have 9pm by then.
  24. Much easier said than done. Japanese animation production schedules can get brutal. The delays are to ensure they don’t have the same issues season 1 had.
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