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Everything posted by Sketch

  1. They really don't need to run 3 episodes of Super every Saturday... give one of those slots to an MHA rerun at least, sheesh. They'll probably just keep Super at 8pm for PGish content right after CN programming but I wonder if they'll end up shifting things around, air comedy from 8pm-11pm and start Toonami at 11pm with an hour of DBS reruns (followed by 6 other shows). They'll probably keep Family Guy in the 11pm hour for now though. I hope no one was looking forward to DBZ KFC. I'm inclined to think they didn't renew The Final Chapters and only renewed up to episode 98. And now they're about to lose Kai. That will leave Super as their only Dragon Ball show and you know what that means... Super is gonna get played a lot.
  2. There's a thread talking about the dub status for Black Clover. Toonami just aired episode 127 and FUNimation is releasing 129 within the next 12 hours. FUNimation has been continuing the dub off and on. If they can dub one episode a week from now on then Black Clover wont need to take a break on Toonami but chances are they wont stay that consistent in the coming months. I think it's a reasonable expectation that Black Clover's dub will air until the end of August on Toonami but in order for that to happen, FUNimation has to dub two more episodes within the next 3 weeks. 132 is where Japan had to take a break (it has since resumed). And yes you can count on a marathon because Fire Force season 2 starts October 24th and they're starting the rerun with episode 15. It would have started at episode 14 if they were airing the regular line-up on the first Saturday in September. So if they're running a marathon on that weekend then it would make for a good clean break for Black Clover if it went on hiatus the week before that. Then I honestly don't know how long they'd have to wait bring Black Clover back for premiere episodes but they should probably give it at least a few months so they don't have to take another break after just a handful of episodes. Also regarding SAO's dub returning in August. I am now thinking the Aniplex rep actually was talking about Alicization's dub finally streaming (somewhere other than Adult Swim's site) in August. I say that because suddenly both FUNimation's site and Hulu are starting to stream the first quarter of Alicization's dub in August. SO that's probably what he was talking about. That said, LA studios are embracing the dubbing from home method so this batch of Alicization will likely be dubbed pretty soon. I still wont rule out the possibility that War of the Underworld could resume on Toonami later in August when Ballmastrz ends or Black Clover has to take a break. But alternatively, I could see new SAO replace JoJo on October 24th. Because it just so happens that JoJo ends the week before Fire Force season 2 starts, so they might be planning to start two shows that night. If SAO doesn't somehow come back sooner then they may as well wait till then.
  3. If it isn’t dubbed sooner. SAO could be back on Oct 24th.
  4. They had about 3 weeks in a row for Black Clover and then after 1 week off they managed 2 weeks in a row (possibly more). The old simuldub schedule forced them to dub one episode a time (most of the time). Having at least two or more to work on at a time results in a rather inconsistent schedule but can also mean they can record actors lines for more than one episode at a time. So while they probably cannot keep up a weekly release every week for a long time, they should be able to dub 2-3 episodes in a four week span rather than strictly 2. And soon they might be able to release one episode a week more consistently. They are clearly prioritizing Clover and I expect FF will see weekly releases again in the coming months.
  5. I'd say that night was quite a success, at least for ratings lately.
  6. Black Clover probably has to take a break in a few weeks. Maybe like JoJo it can return in a decent slot. At this point, they should move Shippuden to 1:30 when BC takes a break, if all they have coming until October is more reruns.
  7. I still theorize we won’t get season 2 until 2 years after it simulcast. That would be early 2021. That’s how long it took to get season 1. Well so much for having 4 premieres in August. FF season 2 will start the week after Golden Wind ends so it’s possible this rerun will move later when Ballmastrz finishes or Clover takes a break.
  8. 4th and 5th are better than 3rd IMO. Finally some good news. But... Mob season one still ends this week. Ballmastrz ends two weeks later. Black Clover probably has to take a break the week after that. So hopefully those aren’t all replaced by more reruns. But for now, JoJo returns and gets a great slot. So I’m more or less content.
  9. Maybe they're hoping to replace it with JoJo but they don't have the tapes yet. Or maybe they have to delay or so by doubling up Super or something. Those are at least two possibilities but neither inspire confidence. So at this point I'm leaning toward "they got nothing" and everything from 1AM-3:30 will just shift up. When Clover runs out of dub episodes or Ballmastrz ends (in 3 more weeks) then JoJo comes back. I look forward to Fena, Uzumaki and Blade Runner: Black Lotus but there is nothing to be excited about right now.
  10. We can certainly hope the "anime more" part of his statement meant promos for things airing in August because I find it pretty unlikely that the announcement he's speaking of isn't another co-production with Crunchyroll. I really don't want to believe they aren't showing a promo for whatever replaces Paranoia Agent because that would just be terribly annoying.
  11. I would find that programming interesting.
  12. Yeah it's probably another Rick & Morty anime short (which DOES NOT come out of Toonami's budget) but we can certainly hope it will be something else. Having most of the shows airing in 35 minute time slots should allow for plenty of time for previews and other goodies.
  13. Check out DECA-DENCE this season. Did you ever look into the new GITS series on Netflix?
  14. Gurren Lagann wasn't on Netflix back in 2009. I think I heard SyFy actually outbid them for Gurren but I forget where I heard that. Soul Eater did end up on Netflix well before Toonami aired it but it wasn't available there until a while after it was on home video and the FUNimation Channel. You are probably right about the cost of licensing shows between 2008 and 2012. And Japanese rights holders are likely the reason why DBZ, One Piece, Detective Conan and other huge anime never ran on The FUNimation Channel. Conan was at least on FUNimation's short lived syndicated block on ColoursTV but I'm pretty sure it was never on The FUNimation Channel. Bandai probably threw Code Geass at Adult Swim and I've heard it theorized that Aniplex gave them a sweet deal on Durarara (they probably also gave them a good deal on the first SAO in 2013). Viz likely gave them a good deal on Kekkaishi but by the time InuYasha: The Final Act and Tiger & Bunny were available to dub, things had changed. It seems crazy that Adult Swim wouldn't pay whatever they had to for the last arc of InuYasha but I suspect Viz lwasn't willing settle on a price that AS was willing to pay at the time. That gave Viz the opportunity to make TFA's dub (and several others) Neon Alley exclusives. I didn't consider the sudden spike of patriotism as a reason why Turner would suddenly obtain the broadcast rights to G.I. Joe but that was probably a factor. The broadcast deal for Demon Slayer was secured before FUNimation started simuldubbing shows for Aniplex. Same goes for The Promised Neverland. Both of those deals were secured before Sony started folding Aniplex operations into FUNimation. Aniplex previously only simuldubbed one show for themselves, that being Durarara x2. They usually wait until a series has concluded before they even start dubbing it but they made a few exceptions. It does seem evident that Toonami got Demon Slayer and The Promised Neverland as soon as they could in order to the dub premiere streaming elsewhere first. And those deals with Aniplex seem to keep those shows from streaming dubbed on any service until at least a year has passed. The dub for the first half of Alicization is finally being added to Hulu in August. TPN's dub was recently added to FUNimation. No sign of Demon Slayer's dub on FUNimation's service yet but with the home video release happening this Fall, that seems like just a matter of time.
  15. They put up 5 episodes (of Tower of God) about a month ago on HBO Max and were adding another one every week. It was always about a week behind CR's stream of the dub and it was only the dub.
  16. There's a number of shows it could be. Mob season 2 for one. We know DeMarco loves Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken and he supposedly likes Shield Hero. But with Tower of God recently leaving HBO Max, I feel like that's a strong sign. If it turns out it is Tower of God then once again it's simply too easy to see what was coming. I don't expect they'd get the dub premiere for God of High School but that would be a very good thing for them. If working with CR really only came down to Toonami's autonomy being challenged (as opposed to budget concerns) then it looks like DeMarco may have reached breaking point.
  17. So I just got this email and I'm pretty sure this is the only place it's said that a new show announcement is coming from Toonami and Crunchyroll "Stay inside with us this weekend. We're bringing the casts and creators of Robot Chicken, Rick and Morty, Samurai Jack and more straight to your couch — new details just released. Tune in for Toonami Edition and a special show announcement from Adult Swim and Crunchyroll. Plus, witness the very first virtual Cosplay Cup in real time and enter to meet & greet a mystery member of the Adult Swim family live on our Instagram." We can hope it's God of High School but considering it was literally just removed from HBO Max and is mostly dubbed, I suspect Tower of God is coming in August.
  18. There was this strange era of ASA when they went from relying heavily on FUNimation shows to avoiding working with FUNimation. Maybe they felt real burned by Detective Conan, Shin Chan and I dunno... Trinity Blood I guess. It's frankly a good thing they didn't give up on FUNimation after Blue Gender impressed no one and Yu Yu Hakusho better with kids. The fact they didn't get Soul Eater or Baccano or Darker than Black never sat well with me. They eventually got Soul Eater but the other two never got a shot before FUNimation lost the rights. Actually I should factor in that around the time ASA stopped acquiring shows from FUNimation was also around the time that CN pulled One Piece and Dragon Ball Z both on-air and on Toonami Jetstream. It really seems like something soured between CN/AS and FUNimation around then. AS still got FMAB but I mean there was no way they'd let that one slipped by them if they could prevent it. Their relationship with FUNimation didn't seem to get patched up until Toonami returned in 2012. Kekkaishi is another curious situation given how things were going with Viz at the time. Viz was Toonami's most significant partner from around 2004 until the block was cancelled. They partnered with CN for Toonami Jetstream as well. Kekkaishi felt like a show that would have ended up on Toonami with minor edits in 2006 but in 2010 CN was done with non-toyetic anime. Maybe Viz tried to stick that one on DXD with Naruto Shippuden or maybe they didn't even bother trying that. Whatever the case may be, you really gotta wonder why they got Kekkaishi but did not get the original Hunter x Hunter anime, Buso Renkin or Monster. All of which were better fits for ASA than Kekkaishi though maybe they felt HxH 1999 looked too old. What a shitty time line we lived in where SyFy got Gurren Lagann, Gundam 00 and Monster and ASA didn't.
  19. G.I. Joe was a interesting situation. It was like one day Ted Turner woke up and decided to buy the rights to the old G.I. Joe cartoon for CN and Boomerang. It was entirely out of the blue and at a time when 80s cartoons other than Dragon Ball were not particularly common on CN or even Boomerang. I figure that Toonami ran it on The Midnight Run (exclusively) for the nostalgia. At the time the daytime block was heavily depending on Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball and was also airing G Gundam. G..I. Joe and G Gundam was an interesting pairing for the last Midnight Run block in the CN era. It is my understanding that by around mid-2001 the Toonami crew didn't get nearly as much say in what the block was going to air. They could make suggestions but ultimately they had to air whatever CN wanted them to. That's around when they aired Card Captors. Sometimes they would get shows they would have liked to air but they would receive less than optimal versions of those shows (4Kids One Piece being a big one of those but DeMarco also likes Card Captor Sakura). Kenshin might have been something they sought out but the majority of whatever aired on Toonami after Outlaw Star and The Big O in 2001 was basically whatever Bandai or some other company threw at Cartoon Network (for better or worse) and you might even say they mainly got OS and Big O simply because they were shows Bandai had on hand. Tenchi was probably one of the only anime franchises that the Toonami crew brought to the table without a distributor getting the ball rolling. In 2002 they ended up airing Hamtaro simply because it was anime and Toonami was where they felt all anime should be airing at the time. Once they acquired Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh, CN wasn't so gung-ho about limiting anime to Toonami blocks and instead used those shows in prime time among other places on the network.
  20. Well that's on par with a week lead by a new episode of My Hero Academia. Sigh... people just wont stop watching Dragon Ball Super.
  21. The first episode of this new batch was overall quite good. Especially the first scene the final scene. I could have done without them lingering on a particular scene in the middle though... Sure is nice to see the other characters again.
  22. The first episode of God of High School was pretty dope. It left a stronger first impression than Tower of God to be sure (by having a much more visually interesting battle royale). I'm all for Toonami airing it. Unfortunately I don't think the company that charged its own streaming service 425 million dollars to be able to stream Friends is just going to throw Toonami a bone. I don't really know what happened with gen:LOCK but I get the feeling God of High School won't be as affordable. At least not any time soon.
  23. The dub has been added to FUNimation’s site/app, in case anyone wanted to finish it.
  24. Clover Works gave a studio tour during the Aniplex Online Fest which pointed out multiple departments were working from home and other departments were working with around half their staff out of the office.
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