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Everything posted by Sketch

  1. I believe Black Clover is acquired in seasons of 50 or so episodes. 136 is a ways off from 150. They won’t leave those episodes unaired if that is the case.
  2. Holy Calamafark... that special didn’t do well on live TV. It was a great performance IMO. I wonder how well it did on HBO Max, the YouTube video only has about 211,000 views so I guess the TV airing has that beat by at least 90,000. Ass Class held out at 2am but I hope it doesn’t lose steam in November when it moves to 1:30am. And while Eric Andre probably didn’t do DBS any favors, it’s still nice to see JoJo and Ass Class beat DBS reruns with 18-49 and total viewers.
  3. Nah, it shouldn't be behind Demon Slayer reruns. And it's only gonna be on for 7 weeks.
  4. I think Elfie mixed SAO WoU with Fire Force season 2 footage. We haven't seen SAO footage in months. They used FF season 2 footage close to a month ago at this point.
  5. It's just a darn shame they aren't willing to slap DBS on the back or take it off entirely. This is a nicely stacked line-up IMO but it'd be even better if a premiere lead the block. After months of just getting by, it's nice to see Toonami finish strong as we approach 2021. SAO should finish up in time for a relatively timely airing of the next batch of Attack on Titan. Black Clover fans will probably bemoan that the show will return to 2AM (barring something else moving down) once Gemusetto finishes in early January but it's wise of Toonami to give BC a break right now.
  6. Technically it’s still part of the same season of SAO. I think they wisely waited to say anything until they knew for sure they could air those 11 episodes without a hitch. Giving an early premiere date kind of blew up in their faces with FF season 2. No need to repeat that with SAO during these uncertain times.
  7. Well that's kinda shitty honestly. That implies it will even be after Black Clover. So we're probably looking at this in November. 12:00 - Dragon Ball Super 12:30 - Fire Force Season 2 1:00 - Assassination Classroom 1:30 - Black Clover 2:00 - Gemusetto: Death Beats 2:30 - Naruto: Shippuden 3:00 - Demon Slayer Or... Black Clover does go on a break and SAO is ready to air (or something else).
  8. And I’m expecting a new November 7th premiere date for Fire Force season 2 to be announced any day now. But what will the lineup look like with Gemusetto at 1am? Either Fire Force or Assassination Classroom gets 12:30 and the other gets 1:30 I guess. Black Clover either takes a break or moves back to 2am. Is it so much to ask that they let Fire Force or Ass Class lead the block? Or at least give 11:30 back if DBS has to start the block. They’re gonna need another early slot when Attack on Titan or SAO resumes.
  9. That seems to work. I really hope there’s only one marathon in December if there’s one on Halloween (confirmed) and Thanksgiving (likely). There doesn’t need to be one on December 19th.
  10. There’s a Neverland marathon on Halloween.
  11. I said adult audiences, I didn’t say mature. 🙃
  12. Well yeah it doesn’t really fit next to Japanese kids shows like Ass Class, DBS and Black Clover... because it was written for adult audiences. 🤣
  13. Supposedly the second season will be much more of a show than the first season was. And an action adventure show at that. But this is far from the first time Toonami's thrown on a bizarre show. Pop Team Epic and Bo-Bobo for two. From Adult Swim's perspective, a show that's loaded with anime references makes sense for a block that contains many of the shows that are getting referenced. And the general Adult Swim audience probably doesn't appreciate Gamusetto, so they're experimenting with airing it on Toonami. It's a gamble but Adult Swim likes to gamble.
  14. They probably were trying to decide whether or not to stick to the October 24th air date up until recently. I'm pretty confident they'll announce it for November 7th within a week or two. Before that they'll probably announce a marathon for October 31st. They might make both of those announcements the same day or at least within days of each other.
  15. While I agree they should communicate more, they already communicate more than most media platforms. It's unusual for any part of a TV network to be as transparent as Toonami usually has been since 2012.
  16. Or... they might actually think this is a good idea.
  17. Toonami already has episodes from season 2, as seen in the recent Better Cartoon Show promo. They’re really should announce it won’t start till November 7th (or the off chance October 31st) soon. Otherwise people will expect it to start October 24th. I very much doubt it is starting the week before JoJo ends, and at 2am. There’s no good reason to cut the rerun a week early.
  18. I’m gonna enjoy having it on as well.
  19. They're 11 minutes, there are supposedly 14 episodes in season 2 so that will be 7 half hours. Seems like a fine way to give Black Clover a break until January.
  20. So they can arbitrarily move the event to a week later but not to 11pm. Sure...
  21. That’s neat. Demon Slayer is worth a second airing IMO.
  22. Bryce, Matt Mercer and basically anyone else from LA in the dub are already recording other anime from home so it shouldn’t be more difficult to include them than usual. But it will be just as much of an endeavor as any other show right now.
  23. 135 posts on Sunday. That gets them to 10/10.
  24. I wonder if the late (in the Fall season) air date of December 7th will allow FUNi to the first two dub episodes by December 12th. Maybe Toonami could do a special premiere on that Saturday before the inevitable holiday marathons the last two weekends in December. Otherwise Toonami will probably have to wait until mid-January or early February to start airing Titan uninterrupted. They probably won’t be able to get the dub premieres due to FUNi’s staggered dubbing schedule. If the contract ensures Toonami gets the dub premieres, it would force FUNi to delay releasing the dub until at least mid-January and I just don’t FUNi doing that.
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