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Everything posted by PenguinBoss

  1. Hes doing it, hes actually doing it. This is amazing. Needs to finish the job and completely remove the agency, but this is a fantastic start.
  2. Plus he carries on the Republican tradition of fucking furniture.
  3. He should just have slaves mine for him like his father.
  4. Shaving sucks ass. And my facial hair looks awful if I let it grow out. I'd be more than okay being permanently baby-faced if it meant I didn't have to shave.
  5. Yeah, Netanyahu wouldn't know anything about murdering children.
  6. https://zeteo.com/p/jewish-man-allegedly-shot-two-israelis "Jewish Man Allegedly Shot Two Israelis He Thought Were Palestinian in Confused Hate Crime Where Both Victim and Culprit Blamed Arabs" Just bonkers stuff out here.
  7. "That could be anyone talking into a fan!"
  8. Israel has been blowing up peace deals about as much as they've been doing it to Gaza.
  9. Yeah, man, Trump thinking he can do whatever he wants is "hypothetical." He hasn't lived his entire life around that notion.
  10. Vance is justifying Trump, and the administration as a whole, not following the rulings of the courts. He's not posting a non-sequitur; he's teeing up "We know better than you, so we're going to ignore you, Constitution or not." Pritzker is calling it out. It's fairly obvious your axe to grind is making you biased.
  11. What about what he said is incorrect, though? Or is it okay to ignore fact because it's from someone you don't like?
  12. Isn't it so high because it's relative to how many people are in the facility vs. operating costs? Like, I sincerely don't believe it would cost 13 billion a year if there were 1000 people in there.
  13. The most I could give you is that RFK is several steps past the right direction. He caused a measles outbreak in Guam, but you want him in charge of the entire country's health? Oh, I know why. It's because you don't think it'll ever affect you negatively.
  14. Hope you're ready to be conveniently ignored. Just like it doesn't really make sense for big pharma to be behind the Dems' pushback on RFK Jr. Treatment after catching a disease makes a ton more money than a shot to prevent it.
  15. I'm having a problem that every time I save an image, the thumbnail in Windows Explorer is blank and it shows that there is an error. The images themselves open just fine, and images that I imported from my previous PC don't have this issue at all. I did upgrade to Windows 11 from 10 between PCs, though I don't know if that's relevant.
  16. And everyone knows climate change wasn't a thing in 2011. This is a very good argument you're making.
  17. Just because you're sweaty no matter the temperature doesn't mean climate change doesn't exist.
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