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Everything posted by 🍬Candy🍬

  1. Shut up u supposed to take my side. U kno now im so hurt i don't think ill be able to get mh to take more hoohah pics (we made up)
  2. My ex was working the game and stopped by after to see me and my mom gonna come in the room and give me orders and shit (which i didn't listen to) being ridiculous and then she asked him to get her something to eat. Just kept coming in there being a pain. So im going to Charleston to spend time with him by myself. Im tired of being treat like a fucking child. She was so out of pocket all in my man face.
  3. You need to go get some immodium ad
  4. Well this song was good until jonathan started crying and didnt even finish the song 🙄
  5. Why did i not hear of this? Sounds fucking good, too!
  6. I believe in a benevolent higher power beyond man's understanding. My purpose here is to love. I follow my heart.
  7. Hahha you fucking asshole
  8. Yah i think so lol
  9. @Mix i tried to write one for that one white girl you posted. Its not the best but still better than her shit Born in the suburbs rich. Thinking you can just switch From a becky to a black bitch Like its funny,Its makes me sick You a joke, not a hit Im here to show you, Try not to slit your wrists And who even are you Not even cute, all up on Facebook showing your Loot Look we know your daddy Bought you them gucci shoes We know your daddy made you, you writting in his checkbook We Laugh in your face When u say you this race This white girl wannabe Is such a disgrace Someone come get her This girl is no winner I just want to hit her Nothing good within her Bitch life game mode set on beginner
  10. So much hate hate in the haterade Who done pissed in your gatorade? So much ache towards the players, man Whats up with that? It so extra lame. Dont like that? Bet ya thats gonna cause a flame. Enough of that. That shits over. Think its time for a chorus. Babbling the kingdom of trannies Where's my next babies daddies? I could be out somewhere whoring Stead im up in here dying of boredom Who gonna save me? Insults dont phase me Bust you like a bump Run you from your own thread like forrest gump Such awful persons Your board is boring Cant stand you but I still love u Oh no u did not just call me a hoe Dont be mad you just had sex the first time two days ago Who you think you are bro your lame attempts at rap aint no real show Anybody with a brain can rhyme that with crap and too with you So shut your trap, youre so whack Thats why your beat so off track We don't give a care cuz we fuck all yo niggss tonite Race taste Gummies he dont care he loves me
  11. Lol omg getting in with the dad!
  12. Is this the first box? I got mine long ago. Or did u keep it?
  13. The child has forced me. But you dont see what im trying to show u. My side of the table is EMPTY
  14. My situation right now. Nothing is gonna stop me this time. Im dedicated to the cause.
  15. Must be nice
  16. Ok so what u r saying is i still have a chance 😍
  17. Slice his head off. You have the technology.
  18. Wait wut lol ohh noooooo what have i done?
  19. Food is the enemy
  20. Probably still be hot tho love fluffy men
  21. Make it Gregg Rainwater and im down
  22. Smh Its a good thing yer hawt
  23. Gonna go immerse myself in The Testament. Only Boo can contact me thru kik but she wont Laters lamesssszzzzz (its boring here)
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