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Everything posted by Martinman

  1. Class of '07 Represent! Some milestones in my life since the first movie came out - Graduated high school. Started college. Movie 2 comes out. Graduate college. Get a job. Buy a house. Hit 5 years in career. Movie 3 comes out. Get married. Hit 10 years in career. Movie 4 comes out maybe. It's absolutely absurd. I just want this thing to come out already.
  2. Ok, I would also REALLY like to check out this Hypnosis Mic show...sounds like the exact kind of dumb s*** anime I would love. Tru fakt I once rap battled a student to get him to do his math homework.
  3. I would like to watch the Inuyasha sequel, Burn the Witch, the Higurashi remake, and maybe check out the Moriarti show. I'll probably end up doing none of that, but a man can dream.
  4. Just finished the LOGH remake season 2 part 1 episode 4 and season 2 part 2 episode 1. ....This numbering scheme is so needlessly convoluted. >_<
  5. Shoutout to my fellow former bloggers/podcasters/listeners from CSW....YEEEAAAAAAH BOOOIII Man I miss doing that stuff so much. It was so fun to hang via Skype and talk and make next season or new season podcasts. Blogging was fun too, aside from it taking forever to get all the screencaps. I just started grad school, which got me back in college mindset, which made me reminisce about CSW and all the fun times we had. And the bad times like when someone made extremely inappropriate comments about a voice actress, and Liam O'Brian got involved.... I think that's why I keep visiting here once and awhile, all those nostalgia feels from college and right after. I love you all.
  6. I am more stoked for this series than I probably should be, and I hope I'll actually be able to watch it. I haven't managed to stay current with a show in a year or two so we'll see what happens. Inuyasha just has too many nostalgia feels for me to not try and watch this. In regards to the aging controversy, I'm pretty sure what was shown was a flashback and we'll see the characters slightly aged. But then it's anime, so Kagome and Sango could just have grown massive boobs and still have the same faces...
  7. My apologies. For some reason I did not see the notification until now...I don't get on here that often. <_<
  8. I ended up selling a big chunk of my 3000+ DVD collection a few years ago when it was scaring dates away from my house and then sold off another batch right before I got married. Most of the discs are lost to the local used DVD store, but a decent amount of the better stuff was left with a friend to post on amazon or ebay. Thankfully he is lazy and apparently still has 2 boxes! Once I get those back, I hope to inventory my collection and post here again. Please note, don't sell your collection in hopes that [gender preference] will find you more attractive. You'll still be just as much of a nerd inside. I did keep all the reeeeaaally good stuff, but have went to try to re-watch a show only to find that I had sold it.
  9. Ahhhh, that's definitely something! One of my life's unsolved mysteries...solved. I think I did bail on the thread; I got behind on the show due to the streaming program going down and getting caught up in school or something. I finished the show years later, possibly after the ASMB died its first death.
  10. Oh man, that was great. I had to use some janky, shady TV streaming program to even get the Sci Fi channel since campus cable didn't carry the channel. I went out to Best Buy on release date to buy the first DVD box, and ended up burning my own DVD's to finish up the series when Viz stopped releasing it. I remember on the old ASMB OA boards someone (Gina whatsit, IIRC) had this game they were doing where in the Monster on Ani-Monday discussion thread they would end their post with a number, and it was some kind of riddle that I don't think I ever found out the answer to.
  11. I was part of the Kickstarter for Under the Dog and was severely underwhelmed. IIRC, I waiting something like 2 years for that to finally come out. I kept seeing emails with "updates" consisting of nothing but hype. I finally get the Blu Ray, and it continues the pattern of things not living up to the desired ratio of wait time : awesomeness unless the title contains the word "Evangelion".
  12. Pretty good, Cidz; How are you? I get on here every once and awhile when I miss the ASMB and need a nostalgia blast, especially now that most/all of the ASMB friends group I had have been gone from AIM and Skype for years. The past few years have been crazy...I've gotten married, and having a wife and having a smartphone have eliminated most of my computer and anime time, so I'm not too involved for most of the year, but I'm on winter break which means free time!
  13. It makes me so happy that this meme is still a thing and that Cidz is still a thing (person).
  14. Just finished re-watching Neon Genesis Evangelion. I first watched this series over 10 years ago (around Thanksgiving 2008 IRRC, maybe 1 year after I started getting into anime) and it has been one of my favorites ever since. I have thought about re-watching it, on a regular basis, and never have until now. There have been so many shows I have watched between then and now, and I can say that Eva is still one of my top 3 or so, alongside Cowboy Bebop and Legend of the Galactic Heroes. I'm planning on re-watching End of Evangelion tomorrow, and I hope the experience is just as rewarding. Whatever happened to that Evangelion V for Vendetta Guy?
  15. Magical Girl Spec Ops Asuka 9 and hopefully 10
  16. Just finished Stardust Crusaders S2 E12
  17. Just finished Genshiken 9-12 and season one OVAs 1-3 ...Man it feels so good to actually post what I'm watching somewhere. I missed the old ASMB, went hunting on Reddit, and found this place. Anyone remember me, lol? ...And like a noob I posted this in the manga thread instead of the anime one.
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