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Everything posted by Martinman

  1. Recently finished 12 Kingdoms 1-5.
  2. I see a lot of kids at the school I teach at wearing shirts for DBZ, Naruto, Attack on Titan, and My Hero Academia. So I'm going to go with those...
  3. *Cries in missing volumes 8 and 9 of Eden: It's an Endless World....and everything after volume 14 which will probably never be released in the US.
  4. Just finished Patlabor movie 1 special features. It's crazy to watch these documentaries and realize these people made this movie over 30 years ago! Makes you wonder who is still in the industry.
  5. Finished a few days ago: Patlabor TV last few episodes. 8/10 good stuff. Also watched 1-4 of the New Files. Wish more was dubbed. Patlabor move 1 rewatch. I haven't seen this in maybe 10+ years and still liked it. Watching either Patlabor movie 1 special features or the New File OVA subbed episodes. Depends on how I feel once I get this margarita made.
  6. My little Nacho Fries Can't Be This Tasty
  7. Finished some time in the last few days: Patlabor TV up through somewhere is Sentai's set 3...I don't even know, I'm just watching it while I paint Warhammer stuff. Just finished Attack on Titan Final season 12-16. 8/10. I don't know how long it has been since I've just sat down and watched an anime for more than a couple episodes at a time without doing anything else. I'm not saying it's the best show ever made, but it has my attention. Definitely looking forward to part 2 of the final season. I wish they would have just called this season 3 or whatever it is.... Hopefully I'll have the time to watch it week by week as it comes out on Crunchyroll for free.
  8. Recently made it through episodes 1-10 or so of the Patlabor TV series. Good stuff!
  9. I love me some G-Diddy and am hoping to watch this show at some point.
  10. Attack on Titan final season 11
  11. Attack on Titan final season 9 and 10
  12. Beat me to it...but it should be "lieks".
  13. Just finished Attack on Titan final season 8.
  14. Attack on Titan final season 6 and 7. So good!
  15. I look over at volumes 1-40 on my shelf and simultaneously feel bad for his family and sad because I want to know what happens next!
  16. Just finished Attack of Titan final season 4 and 5. As someone who plays Warhammer 40,000, "Warhammer Titan" has a very specific meaning...
  17. Just finished Attack on Titan final season 1-3. I remember nothing have have barely any idea what is going on.
  18. If all you can see of something is the butthole, how does one tell the difference between an >/= 18 butthole and a < 18 butthole? 0_o
  19. Recently finished: Garden of Words I thought this was solid until the plot twist was revealed and then I was like "gross". The movie looked really good though, as expected from Makoto Shinkai. I'll give it 7/10. Patlabor OVA series I haven't seen any Patlabor since I watched the movies about 10 years or more ago. I remember them being way more serious, whereas these were a tad bit sillier which was ok. On to the TV series next! 7/10
  20. https://www.cameo.com/v/607f9056f61da7001d85254b?%24web_only=true&_branch_match_id=896781801454732235&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=video_share&utm_medium=android_app Ripped this straight from ANN, but I don't care. Enjoy, and you're welcome.
  21. Well....I want to avoid spoilers until I can actually watch the movie via my Blu Ray Player at home...having said that it could be like 2 years. I have a friend who lives in Japan who JUST finished Eva TV + End of Eva and I'm trying to convince him to go see Rebuild 4 in theaters after watching movies 1-3....he's worried he won't fully understanding it without subtitles, and I'm over here trying to convince him he has a once in a lifetime opportunity...
  22. I'm very ready for the "My little Terminator-chan can't be this cute" with the titular character being voiced by Yukari Tamura.
  23. I'm not a stock expert (although I know a little), so I go to a guy who is. If you're just looking for long term gain, get invested in a mutual fund/Roth IRA, put as much money in as you can afford, and then let it sit there for 30 years while you add more and more and more. That's what he says. Sorry if you already know all that!
  24. My dad is an OG "Watched in premiere on TV" 1960's Star Trek fan and said this series was pretty good. He has no idea who Vic is since he doesn't watch anime, but I hope to check this series out some day.
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