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UwP x gemmysandyrock

cool dude xD
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Everything posted by UwP x gemmysandyrock

  1. 420x69, while i zoom to urmoms house
  2. That stat used to be tracked on the old forums. I probably made like over 20k threads over the years.
  3. Definitely not the drinky crow show
  4. Oh boy did it not change here.
  5. my main account was banned as a Legend, became owl, went back to legend, and then Order of the kitty
  6. in the laundry room
  7. I was talking about the candles for my birthday
  8. that's not the only thing i am going to blow
  9. blue is not real
  10. At least you beat Raptorspat
  11. please change my name to Clean-Cut Nutter thanks
  12. Going to the Oscars you are hosting
  13. I think I hit it 5 times but I only remember 4 of the usernames
  14. MrD drives exactly the speed limit and never jaywalks
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