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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. damn you gave up really early......no wonder you think there's too much filler you didn't really get to experience the best this show has to offer
  2. you do have to remember it wasn't that long ago that we got out of the elves resurrection storyline
  3. I've heard good things about rightstuff but at the same time I've also heard some horror stories about people never getting what they ordered and the customer service being horrendous
  4. I'm Iffy on this but on the other hand my birthday's on 9/22 and there's not been much released recently that's any better
  5. Calling Black Clover GXP is pretty stupid....i have no idea why so many of you here are offended by it's existence
  6. jeez this board acting like black clover's pop team epic
  7. there's also been a united states poll and here's the top 10 results 1 - Asta 2 - Yami 3 - Noelle 4 - Julius 5 - Mereoleona 6 - Nero/Secre 7 - Yuno 8 - Luck 9 - Zora 10 - Charmy
  8. adult swim is really setting itself up as the rick and morty network
  9. and here's the characters who didn't make it into the top 10.... Mereoleona at 16th is depressing
  10. Yup it's been with us since December 2017 it became apart of the block long before MHA Was even added
  11. hopefully they can keep this up....it's easy enough to put a seasonal anime on hiatus when episodes run out but a long runner like black clover?...that's more difficult
  12. and looking at the original promo video i can see the comments on it that kept comparing it to Naruto...Just Naruto Crossed With Harry Potter
  13. Yeah What Happened with last man standing is nothing like what happened with roseanne on abc
  14. according to his twitter he'll be at a convention in Georgia on 9/12
  15. for anyone who wonders....this person from the black clover reddit sub-reddit posted how many votes each character featured has gotten in the popularity polls so far
  16. Charlotte really shouldn't be third place
  17. How Can He...A Former Voice Actor treat the pandemic as if it's just some hoax/joke? doesn't he see how it's affected the industry he was once apart of
  18. yeah it really felt like this episode flew by as a result of that.....unfortunately it sounds like next week's episode will be more of the same another lackluster filler episode that acts as a recap moment
  19. Aside from maybe william I'm not sure if the other captains would pay for yami and jack's drunken antics
  20. Mereoleona deserves more respect honestly....certainly more than leopold(why the hell is he here?!)
  21. the wizard king should realize that reducing everyone's pay when not everyone is some rich royal...is kinda stupid
  22. Gauche has to be my least favorite character in black clover there's just nothing to like about him....
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