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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. we already know about the primal marathon coming up and there's usually two marathons in december although since they really aren't buying time for anything(black clover will return when it has enough dubbed episodes built up and the only announced show for January is an older series)and large celebrations are being heavily discouraged due to covid I Don't see the reason to keep up the tradition of two marathons in december
  2. This will be the first episode i haven't seen since the first two episodes of season two were shown during the virtual funimation convention
  3. i think the issue comes from the fact that silly adultswim shows like this just don't fit on a block known for kickass fights and action
  4. i ask this because i really enjoyed soul eater but there's just something missing from fire force(created by the same author) no matter if it's the villains not comparing to medusa or something else entirely
  5. however i don't think it's officially classified as a horror series... despite all that...can't imagine how the tom/sara promo for the primal marathon will be how do you hype up a marathon for a series like primal in the way that the toonami hosts usually talk up marathons? best you could do is just have tom and sara incoherently yelling then it pans to primal and says "Primal Marathon Next Saturday Only On Toonami"
  6. there's a difference between Primal Action and the action we usually see on toonami one is typically of the superhero/shonen variety with very few exceptions where as the other represents savage brutality and tragedy something toonami doesn't deal with that much unless it's a horror show of some kind
  7. regardless there's something about primal that makes it seem out of place on toonami no matter how many times people like to say this is the perfect toonami show....just the way it's structured and the way it plays out doesn't make me think "Toonami Fans would love this!"
  8. nobody has anywhere else to go so what are they suppose to do except watch toonami? i hope demarco and crew realize they don't need to do the traditional two december marathons when there's a global pandemic and nobody's suppose to having parties or whatever
  9. i don't think any holiday will be negatively affecting any shows for awhile since people aren't suppose to be out partying anyways and getting together in large groups i wonder if they'll skip out on one of the december marathons as a result since we've already had a promised neverland marathon for october and a primal marathon for november wouldn't make much sense to do two marathons in december like usual knowing that plus there isn't really thing they gotta buy time for assassination classroom is an old dub fire force season 2 has enough dubbed episodes that knocking one marathon off in december shouldn't matter and I'm assuming SAO's dub for war of underworld part 2 is finished
  10. btw i have the first four volumes of fire force(manga) got them last month on halloween
  11. i heard that sucked compared to the original sprite cranberry release
  12. how do we know which creators hate americans and which don't without them flat out making a whole series about it?
  13. the first step to ATT Just saying "Kill Toonami"....or not?
  14. seeing comments and responses online that tonight's pre-flight was the last and that it was included in the list of adultswim streaming projects that were shutdown by ATT/Warnermedia
  15. so a lot of adult swim streaming shows were canned and it seems toonami pre-flight's apart of that list
  16. i mean if it leads to a marathon but then again that doesn't seem likely with the amount of shows involved in this they no longer had the rights to plus the prize was a body pillow for having the winning bracket....shows how little they cared about this i guess
  17. You'd think hibana would be featured more since she's obsessed with shinra and i can see her using any kind of excuse to hang around company 8 just because shinra's with them
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