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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. they'll air the very next night on regular adultswim
  2. this confirms there won't be a marathon on january 2nd unless toonami really thinks taking a 3 week break makes sense right now...
  3. i don't expect one either but some believe toonami will have one just to keep up that tradition of a christmas marathon followed by a new years marathon
  4. with the bebop marathon now confirmed all that's left is the question of will toonami air a new years marathon after it or not?
  5. And most obvious toonami announcement of the year goes to...
  6. what's weird is that it's not like this was a random dub with no name voice actors(Captain America is clearly Roger Craig Smith)
  7. i regret not taking advantage of the black clover manga sale while it was active....1-5 for $28.06 is a deal that i doubt will pop up again anytime soon
  8. what is surprising is the fact that you can hardly find any proof that the english dub existed at all what happened to make this dub so elusive?
  9. saw it on the black clover sub-reddit that it's been confirmed the anime will start adapting the spade kingdom arc in january although that probably doesn't mean much for toonami fans as even when BC Returns we gotta get through a lot of filler episodes before reaching that point
  10. It isn't good at all....anyone defending it comes off as someone who would watch 22 minutes of a static mayo jar and call it brilliant television
  11. hey i didn't start this topic to have it turn into a therapy session I'm not crying out for help if this topic or my responses anger/annoy you then I'm sorry it wasn't intended to be some sly troll attempt nor was it a subtle request for help from a person sick in the head i just felt the need to post the latest update regarding toonami(which this time affected the weekly promo's) that's it...there's no hidden meaning behind it
  12. So I'm mentally ill and depressive because i made this topic?.....that seems like one hell of a reach to be making and it's a even bigger one to imply I'm losing sleep over this while throwing a tantrum in my own home no it's just with the long list of things AT&T's massive money troubles have ruined it's a bit silly to just brush this off and act like it's business as usual when this entire year hasn't been business as usual for toonami we can't say what will or won't happen because of not only the pandemic but AT&T if this was a normal year yeah sure this wouldn't even be a blip on my radar however it isn't a normal year not for toonami and certainly not for the world
  13. yeah there was but here's the crazy part nobody can find any of the dubbed episodes online and this series never got a home release so it's likely we'll never see those dubbed episodes at all
  14. it could simply be toonami not really finding it worth the effort to keep doing this every week when they are already dealing with enough crap with this pandemic however the fact it happened so early in Fire Force Season two does make me wonder what's really going on as i doubt they'd suddenly decide to remove the weekly promo's for no reason whatsoever the reason the topical promo's existed in the first place was to drum up hype for the episodes and give a little tease into what's happening next without them the lead up from one toonami to the next is identical and hype isn't built or maintained just a bunch of sustaining promo's that remind us "this exists!" that's good for people who don't know about toonami or what these shows are about but for people who have been tuning in for weeks already these sustaining promo's serve no purpose at all
  15. fun fact did ya know the english dub for disk wars is actually considered lost media
  16. an episode title usually doesn't tell you what's gonna happen in the next episode itself and searching for that info can lead to spoilers for those who haven't seen the episode the weekly promo's helped build hype without giving too much away now it's just "what's gonna happen next week? Tune In To Find Out!" No Tease Or Hype at all which makes the build up from one week to the next non-existent because if you haven't seen the episodes yet you don't know if you should be excited or not you don't know if it'll be boring or amazing it's just "I Hope this episode doesn't suck" which isn't really a good mindset to have waiting for the next edition of toonami
  17. A Notable sale special this week Dr Stone bundles and MHA Bundles are on sale(single volumes for each are $5.49) this even includes the spin-off's for MHA Vigilantes and the short lived comedy series MHA Smash!
  18. it really seems like that's the case and as i stated just now....it really sucks because that comes at the expense of fire force's weekly commercials without these....people who haven't watched them really don't know what's gonna happen next not even a brief idea to build up hype and if they try looking up online for the answer they could run into spoilers i think weekly promo's helped build hype for certain shows leading up to the next toonami without them there's no real hype build up because nobody would know there is a hype worthy moment coming unless they've already seen the episode
  19. well we have our answer....last night i saw a generic 15 second commercial for sword art online instead of a weekly topical explaining the next episode so the other shows will probably get generic commercials as well stating the show's on saturdays at "Insert time here" instead of Next saturday at "Insert time here" this sucks in my opinion since fire force never really had weekly promo's during S1 and S2 only got to have a couple before they quit doing them entirely https://www.facebook.com/Toonami/posts/2603003143323850 that post has the fire force sustaining promo
  20. it just sucks because they were finally starting to promote fire force season 2 after bungling the toonami premiere to the point where some didn't even realize Season 2 was starting that week so to go from that to toonami not being promoted at all on air isn't good
  21. i noticed there wasn't a single topical promo for any show aired last night during toonami are they giving up topicals entirely or were they not ready in time?
  22. a little off topic but in the midst of this...I'm just browsing rightstuf anime's site(for the holiday sale)and noticed most notable viz media manga's have some volumes out of stock if not completely.... which means as soon as the new holiday bundles update in 20 minutes or so....there's gonna be some that are already out of stock due to that Unless there's some viz titles I've forgotten about somehow....
  23. i got the twisted visions junji ito artbook and tomie hardcover deluxe during the second week of the black friday sale although since tomie's out of stock...no telling when that order will actually ship anyways this week's manga specials are bundles for (Viz)black clover black torch and no guns life (yen press)interspecies reviewers elders sister like one and val x love the single volumes for those series are also on discount this week
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