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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. so it seems toonami may do another event like this in january because Cartoon network will play the live action justice league movie on january 17th soooo yeah
  2. do you think this event will result in the massive increase of hbo max subscribers AT&T is hoping for?
  3. i think that's just because DC Comics most popular character by far is batman and nobody else can touch his popularity this isn't like marvel where characters can share the spotlight and you don't just see spider-man invading other character's stories all the time however that isn't case for dc they see batman as the default mascot of dc and the only character that matters
  4. still seems weird to tell people "Tune in next week for the normal line up" only for them to be smacked in the face with a bebop marathon that probably won't get a promo until several days from now when the toonami viewing audience isn't looking
  5. so i heard the toonami intro tonight mentioned the regular line up returning to next week 0_o was this planned before the bebop marathon was even announced?
  6. this isn't an official cartoon network twitter account it's merely a fan account keeping up with the network's schedule and news relating to shows on the block this time in particular it's to mention these shows hitting hulu interestingly enough hulu gets up to episode 12 of fire force[S2] on january 1st while toonami will just be up to episode 6 by the time the block returns on january 2nd
  7. because not one thing on the block demanded another break like this on top of the bebop marathon everything except Fire Force(2)is a completed dub on the line up and the second season is up to EP15 that's 10 episodes ahead of the last episode toonami aired and since funimation will probably slow down on remote dubbing due to the holidays I Doubt fire force is gonna dub several more while the block's on hiatus(EP15 came out this month on funimation now) with that in mind....what does toonami really gain from a potential 3 week break?
  8. so i checked the account...they have episode 16 42 05 36 23 and 31 the rest of the series is still lost(including the deadpool episode)
  9. How is it logical to say AT&T Offered these movies as an option they could decline? they are desperate to get everyone in the country subscribed to hbo max
  10. and that's our cliffhanger until January 2nd...unless there's a marathon on that night
  11. it's not like covid-19's gonna magically disappear as soon as it's 2021 and even when the vaccine hits it''s unlikely large gatherings would suddenly make a return so the thought that it won't be long before people are out and about in groups again is quite silly especially since we still have a lot of people who ignore safety guidelines and think they shouldn't have to obey them
  12. this is just my opinion but all the non stop hbo max schilling on tv has not made me want to subscribe nor has it made me think "HOLY CRAP! that is a great service!" instead i just feel annoyed i don't really see anything on there that makes the service truly king of them all it's not the netflix killer or the disney plus slayer
  13. i would agree if this year wasn't covid-19 riddled but because it was AT&T isn't acting like they would if this was just a normal year....the way they've marketed hbo max is proof of that and unless 2021 is a major improvement over 2020 i don't really see them changing the desperation tune
  14. if it's at the expense of toonami becoming nothing more than a commercial for hbo max then I'd rather not have any of this
  15. I Doubt AT&T Gave them the choice to decline....Optional means they had the choice to say no and with AT&T in the state they are in...that doesn't seem all that likely
  16. and what really grinds my gear are the people who try to spin this as a positive thing for the block because "Oh Well More DC Animated Movies for the block is something i can fully support" despite the fact this is only happening because AT&T Demanded it we had a planned schedule with gemusetto death beats concluding on the 19th only for AT&T to tell toonami that the block must be focused on promoting wonder woman 1984's release on HBO Max and in theaters!
  17. I Wouldn't go defending moves that only happened because toonami had no say in the matter and just had to praise hbo max on air because AT&T said so if AT&T Can just hijack the block at any moment to say "Hey Guys I Know you already had a planned schedule in mind but I'm gonna need you to do a hbo max promotional event" then whose to say 2021 won't be crammed full of moments like this with how much debt AT&T Put themselves in?
  18. and in comes AT&T Forcing another hbo max event on toonami because they really need people subscribing right now i guess
  19. if it was just death beats sure but it's the entire lineup being replaced to act as one big advertisement for HBO Max i don't like these marathons/events where HBO Max has to be hyped up like it's the best thing ever it reeks of desperation
  20. it also wouldn't be logical to have a marathon after having a dc animated movie double feature on december 19th followed by a bebop marathon on the 26th that's just too many interruptions to the regular line-up....imagine a fan of SAO Or Fire Force having to wait three weeks to see the continuation of a cliff hanger from December 12th it would suck....and I'm starting to wonder if this is what prompted toonami to do away with weekly promo's in favor of generic sustaining promo's maybe team demarco had a feeling another hbo max event was gonna be forced upon them
  21. we really don't know what we have schedule wise because this just proves at any moment AT&T Can Pull the rug out from under toonami if they feel like hbo max needs to be hyped up more
  22. the wonder woman announcement means there can't be a new years marathon....unless toonami just feels like pissing fans off with a three week hiatus for no apparent reason
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