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Everything posted by conversegirl

  1. I was just going to say I was sorry and that I hope love would find her again someday. I wasn't gonna hit on her.
  2. What the hell? I didn't do anything. She may not even be into other girls.
  3. Yeah, someone said he had "slayed" you. He said he was the reason you quit posting.
  4. Hang in there. I can't imagine what you're going through. Are you back for good?
  5. Hey, you're back! How have you been?
  6. Sorry it didn't work out.
  7. That's okay. We're better off.
  8. I'm the most misfittest of them all.
  9. Everything is better when it wears the color black.
  10. I'm sure people who dropped acid too many times will enjoy it. We all have weird tastes. ;D
  11. I'm sure you'll get one. Just get out of the house and start enjoying yourself.
  12. I knew today was a good day to put on sweats. :fap:
  13. I would like that. It sounds fun. When do we start?
  14. Are you saying you're a girl?
  15. I'm not into guys. Sorry. :fap:
  16. I would normally get on to those who spoil things for people, but it's been seven years. If you haven't seen the ending by now, you're shit out of luck. And that's not how it ends.
  17. OMG yes! I hate it, too.
  18. A veggie delite on flatbread with every vegetable they have on it...and pepper jack cheese with vinaigrette. And I want a 21-ounce sweet tea.
  19. I'm clearly the cat.
  20. I'll post in here if I want. I like it here.
  21. Oh, you know. Things and junk.
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