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Age of S'jet

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Everything posted by Age of S'jet

  1. Mhm well I know u never liked me, or u did at one time. I mean besides one petty moment I did to ally ONCE when I started talking to axj, I was always a sweetheart to her. Was it jealousy? You're too old to be telling me to get aborted.
  2. You might see anywhere from 1 to 5 ping increases. Maybe even a 5 percent download upload speed increase too, but unlikely. You're looking at tiny margins always. But stability? Sure, but you can get that from a good high quality networking type router too. I feel like it's a cash grab thing. That being said, stability for sure...I guess.
  3. Do it I'll give you 2 bitcoins
  4. I peed. Her toilet has a button on the middle top. Wat. Its metal. Two buttons in one. One has 1 water drop the other has 2. Why have I never seen this b4
  5. If u added me on snap like in my thread you would know 🤷‍♂️
  6. How About NOOOOOOOOOOOO 🤣
  7. I need to pee and I think imma do it loooool. I just feel bad I'm an insomniac and I know she just finally passed out. If I move shes up. Ugh I gotta pee. Why am I such a nice guy?
  8. Not lock their doors? The girl I'm talking to didn't lock her door after we got in from applebees and I wanna sneak out of bed n lock it.
  9. i can't believe im saying this but it's obvious he's acting and ive changed my position on him kudos to the few of u who have played along perfectly all this time tbh i would hang out with him just to take a picture of us and put it on here. drink with him there's no hate in my body for him, its not like he's maliciously insulted me like other people have
  10. i can't believe im saying this but it's obvious he's acting and ive changed my position on him kudos to the few of u who have played along perfectly all this time tbh i would hang out with him just to take a picture of us and put it on here. drink with him there's no hate in my body for him, its not like he's maliciously insulted me like other people have
  11. i can't believe im saying this but it's obvious he's acting and ive changed my position on him kudos to the few of u who have played along perfectly all this time tbh i would hang out with him just to take a picture of us and put it on here. drink with him there's no hate in my body for him, its not like he's maliciously insulted me like other people have
  12. i can't believe im saying this but it's obvious he's acting and ive changed my position on him kudos to the few of u who have played along perfectly all this time tbh i would hang out with him just to take a picture of us and put it on here. drink with him there's no hate in my body for him, its not like he's maliciously insulted me like other people have
  13. im a two hander
  14. https://www.asus.com/us/Networking/ROG-Rapture-GT-AC5300/ go big or go home
  15. waiting for 3.0+1.0 impatiently asf
  16. also im sick as turds fever of 102 i need some outside a nice walk to wawa it is
  17. well it stopped raining i guess that needs a snap
  18. clearly we both have better things to do
  19. warehouse that stockpiles and distributes parts that have passed the National Aerospace Standards
  20. ya'll are just the minority
  21. W.e add me if u want DovahkiinJeff I pretty much am barely here anymore.
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