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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. My first job out of college (the summer camp job not my first "real" job) I was nervous because I'm pretty sure my college roommate used to smoke in the apartment (or SOMEONE very close by did, that shit was dank af). I was worried about second hand exposure or something because they took so long to get back to me after I took the drug test.
  2. Can't wait to totally fail at both One is at a place I interviewed at last January before I got fired from my last job. Actually ended up getting an offer but had to pass because at the time they were only offering a position that gave like 16 hours a week, exclusively on the weekends. But the fact that I got an offer from them in the past kind of gives me hope. This is for a totally different position though so we shall see. Had a dream last night that a place I interviewed at last week called me and offered me a job. Was pretty sad when I woke up. They did say they'd be making a decision sometime this week so maybe it was actually a vision of the future All I want is a Monday-Friday, 9-5 (or similar hours) job, that pays at least $15 an hour, offers PTO and decent benefits, doesn't require work on weekends or holidays, and allows for workers to take extra time off during the holidays without needing a ton of senority. I'm getting past the point of even caring what the job is as long as it fills those requirements.
  3. I frequently lurk that subreddit
  4. At the same time? How is that even possible. What's in those pills according to Google too much B Vitamins can make ur pee green, that or a UTI.
  5. Oh THAT'S what you meant by "detox". Why didn't you just say so lol. I thought this was about your friend trying to scam you into some MLM bullshit that helps "flush out toxins" or some bullshit.
  6. So is the person that gave you the pills and the test the same person? This sounds like some MLM bullshit. If they try to sell you more shit don't do it, that stuff is a scam you don't need to "detox" that's what your liver and kidneys are for.
  7. This thread is now petition to ban Adminderaptorpat
  8. Ikr that bitch
  9. Loves to complain about it
  10. Nah this one wasn't. I've applied to a few state jobs and some county and city, too. But none have called me back.
  11. That bitch always complaining about shit yo
  12. I had one today, but I'm hoping to replace my current job with a new one. Pay would be about the same or a little less than my current job but pretty much everything else would be better.
  13. Is Maui enough of a "major protagonist" in Moana? Dwayne Johnson did that voice.
  14. Filthy Frank was still on YouTube as of 2 months ago?
  15. Not totally sure why. I've put his name as a reference on a few job applications but only as a placeholder for online applications that absolutely require a reference. Haven't put a number with his name on any of them. I haven't asked him to be a reference yet but I haven't even interviewed with or heard from any of the places I used his name for. I was waiting until after I actually got an interview to confirm.
  16. So, in other words, no you don't have any sources. Gotcha. Now, to be fair, the Weather Channel does currently have an article up right now where they are predicting a less active hurricane season than last year (they're predicting 13 named storms and 6 hurricanes, 2 of which are cat 3+. Compared to last year's 17 named storms and 10 hurricanes with 6 cat 3+). Took me about 5 seconds of Googling to find that out. You could have just linked to this article all along and spared yourself from looking like a total idiot. Though of course if their predictions end up being off I anticipate another thread from you where you completely change your point of view and say you knew all along they'd be wrong.
  17. Can your name literally one source on that that isn't "your ass"?
  18. So you're "calling it in advance" but your "evidence" is to wait until after the fact?
  19. Want evidence? I don't have it because I have no idea what I'm talking about.
  20. It wasn't even really an interview they just talked about the position for like half an hour <_< In person interview next week can't wait to blow that.
  21. How do I go "full kamikaze"?
  22. No they call me
  23. Can't wait to totally blow this one just like I do every interview because I suck
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