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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. Ye Thnx dawg
  2. That's some Mall Ninja shit if I've ever seen it
  3. Adult Friend Finder is great for finding friends
  4. Well of course I didn't mean to say it's not racist in the south <_< At least in the south they can pretend it's just "mUh HeRiTaGe" when that doesn't work at all in Northern states
  5. Yeah if people want to fly that traitors flag on their own property then whatever. Lets me know to avoid them. Though unless you have family from the south I can't think of any possible, non-racist justification for flying it in northeast fucking Ohio. I guess people that would fly it probably aren't the smartest though.
  6. Probably They had a poll about it and apparently a slight majority of people watching the news don't want it banned
  7. Guess they're considering a law banning it or something. Here's a question: Why the fuck is anyone in Ohio even flying a confederate flag to begin with
  8. I have to pretend because we're still expected to meet productivity. Though they finally changed it to a way that makes sense (it was 52% of PAID time before so we basically had to make up any PTO. It's now 59% of worked time so I can take a day off and call it a mental health day if I'm really not feeling it one day and won't have to worry about making it up). I actually did that this week. Took Tuesday off and it seemed to help a lot. I wonder if I could just take a random day off like that every week or if they'd say something. I have the sick time.
  9. It's supposed to be nice like this all day I'll definitely take a walk later after my time to pretend to be working is over
  10. 70 with 64% humidity here. I am very comfortable
  11. That wasn't a dream it was real ur fired
  12. I have the ones where I forgot to go to a class that I was signed up for all semester
  13. But I forgot all my lines. Like I didn't even have any memory of ever having gone to a rehearsal. Yay anxiety dreams
  14. The Project 7 ones are 100 calories per bag. 36 total carbs but only 6 net. The Smart Sweets are each 80 or 90 calories per bag. 35 total carbs and 7 net. Will review each bag but need to limit to one a day because these are all basically fiber supplements (they literally have 100% daily value of fiber). Though looking at their website it looks like they changed some formulas recently, looks like the new formula has less fiber and as a result more net carbs. Still not awful for keto if u only have half a bag at a time but you may want to look for these in stores that are still selling the older formula rather than order from the website. Smart Sweets also has a Peach Rings variety which I saw in the store but didn't get, and they have a Starburst knockoff and sour gummy bears on their website. https://smartsweets.com/collections/all-candy The sour Smart Sweets was pretty good. Good flavor but the texture gives it away that you're not eating real sour gummy candy. You get a good amount of gummies in the bag so if you are watching your total carb intake, half a bag would be a pretty decent snack (That applies for all of these gummies). Overall a good way to help my sour gummy candy craving. Plus now my stomach hurts from eating 100% of my daily recommended value of fiber in 5 minutes so I won't be tempted to eat anything else until dinner. The Sweet Fish from Smart Sweets are good. Really good. Texture still isn't quite what you'd get from real gummy candy but I think I might like these even more than regular Swedish Fish. Great flavor. Smart Sweets gummy bears are by far the best ones so far. Great taste and texture very close to real gummy bears. Has a bit of a stevia aftertaste if that bothers you, but I'm used to the taste of stevia so it doesn't bother me at all. Project 7 gummy bears were...Disappointing. Not bad but the texture was just kind of weird. I'd get them again but just like, one bag at a time. I don't know if I want to spend 20 bucks to buy a whole big pack of them. FWIW these ones haven't changed the formula like Smart Sweets so still only 6 net carbs per bag. Final Verdict: All of these gummies were pretty good, great replacement for real gummy candy for someone like me who will eat a whole king size bag of the real stuff per day. They aren't necessarily the best for keto due to high total carb counts (which are still much lower than regular candy), but the net carbs are really low because they're all full of fiber, and the calories are all 100 or less per bag. The bags are all good size so half a bag would be a good snack if you're watching carbs more than calories. I'd get any one of these again and will probably be ordering a combo pack from Smart Sweets once their gummy bears and sour gummy bears go back in stock on their website
  15. So I went to a Target 20 minutes from my house to find these gummies because that's the closest place that apparently had them and that's how bad I want to try them but I wanted to try a single bag before buying a whole bunch. Couldn't find the sour ones in the Project 7 brand but found another similar brand of gummies.
  16. Idk about this one because there's a lot of things I'd like to have done differently in my life but at the same time I'm overall happy with where I'm at now and I'd constantly be worrying about fucking things up
  17. @panic Try these for me so I don't have to worry about them being gross xD https://project7.com/collections/shop/products/low-sugar-gummies-variety-pack Srsly gummy candy is my weakness and if I could actually eat a whole bag of it without taking up half my daily calorie goal that would be a dream
  18. I'll probably send them to u eventually Maybe
  19. Nope you'll have to go to the recycling center to track it down
  20. That reminds me ur sunglasses and boutonniere are still sitting on top of my fridge
  21. I joined not too long before my 14th birthday. I was pretty open about my age (I think there was a rule against actually saying your age but I talked about school stuff all the time and I think it was pretty clear I was talking about middle/early high school). I used my real age to sign up though so I didn't have access to PMs until I turned 18 so if creeps ever tired to PM me I'd never know.
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