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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. Play minecraft at work
  2. Yep. One call, then a 2-3 minute gap. Then 6 calls literally non-stop back to back.
  3. I'm going to a con next weekend. Totez excited. It's gonna be the first "big" con I've gone to (Meaning a con at an actual convention center and not just a college campus). They posted the schedule today and I can't decide which panels I want to go to there are a bunch of overlapping ones that sound cool.
  4. Why were u calling my work phone from the hospital and why did u not leave a message.
  5. Nah man it's cool. Literally everyone on my team screens their calls and uses DND from time to time. No one cares.
  6. Literally called me from the hospital so I know it's not a crisis. Couldn't use my phone the whole time cause it was literally back to back and the older iPhone won't let you do anything in the phone when there's an incoming call. He stopped after the 7th time but I put my phone on DND just in case he starts up again. Happy Monday to me.
  7. I mean I guess I did work one Saturday for 4 hours last year. To take a client to visit her kids. Special stuff like that I'm willing to work a Saturday on occasion but like some of my coworkers just do regular visits on Saturdays.
  8. God I'm so glad I don't work weekends anymore. Some of my coworkers choose to leave their phones on/go see clients on the weekend and I'm just like why would you do that to yourself we don't have to.
  9. I got the declaration of benefits or whatever it's called from my insurance company for the consultation with the neurologist. $310.
  10. Can't wait to get rekt by the bill. Hopefully their financial aid can help me at least a little bit. They say they can provide assistance for people up to 400% of the poverty level which I qualify for, but that might just be for people without insurance and I technically do have insurance. And they also say they can help if the bill is over 15% of your an income but I don't think the bill will be quite that high. High deductible insurance plans are shit I wish my employer gave us the option to pay for a real insurance plan and not just this free useless shit.
  11. Just in time for this 3k MRI bill coming soon.
  12. I noticed when I was entering it that I was set to get a lot back even though I'm like a week behind and had a few days off. Then I saw that it was giving me $0.58/mile when it used to be $0.40. It makes sense that it would go up now since our fiscal year starts in July so I hope that's not just a mistake.
  13. I just wanted to get some info about a character I really didn't need to know stuff that happens way ahead of where I am. But seriously it was an Anime character page why in the fuck is the quote at the very top of the page a huge Manga spoiler.
  14. Looks cool but I personally prefer cons with more panels and stuff like that. I guess that's the benefit of going to smaller cons. Both the one at my Alma mater and the one I'm going to in August just have open panel submissions for whoever wants to do a panel. There's always a lot of variety at the con at my alma mater including some really weird shit sometimes (Like the Shrek panel that's always a fan favorite and is just an hour and a half of memeing)
  15. What con r u at if u don't mind me asking I'm going to a con in August it's gonna be the first "big" con I've been to (6.5k people last year compared to the one at my Alma mater that I usually go to every year which according to their own page had 4k last year but they don't even have a Wikipedia page or anything. Also it's just at the school so it doesn't feel as legit). I'm totez excited. Like half of the voicecast for the dub of MHA is gonna be there too bad I watched it subtitled lol.
  16. I'm just surprised more people didn't join in then. Con goers are a strange bunch
  17. Is this at some kind of con or something because that honestly wouldn't surprise me
  18. I tried looking it up and just found chili recipes. She's white. And while she looks good and young for her age she's probably old enough to be the client's mom.
  19. Y'all in here arguing about chili and I still don't understand this insult
  20. Still not rly seeing how that's a insult
  21. Maybe but I'd think the cheese and stuff could make it worse. I also thought it was maybe something like "you're so salty I don't even need crackers for my chili" or something
  22. Not really I'm just a case manager. We work in the client's homes but have nothing to do with their meals
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