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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. Oh my god This stuff should be illegal it's so good. I almost ate a whole bag within like 5 minutes
  2. What. Pretty much all of the stuff I've read about fasting says water or black coffee/tea only (Some even say water only for "true" fasting). Or on the more generous side, 50 calories or less. Which would be like 2 beans if you put sugar on them. Here I thought there was someone else on the boards doing IF like me. I've seen you mention it before. Have you been eating while "fasting" this whole time?
  3. Winter is my favorite season but I love fall as well. I slept with a warm blanket on my best last night for the first time this year and was legit kind of excited about it.
  4. One of the gifts I got from my parents for my birthday (which I did actually ask for) was a lightweight stick vacuum. I have all hardwood/laminate floors in my house but I do have some rugs and I usually take them down to the basement to vacuum rather than lug my giant vacuum cleaner up. I was tired of doing that so I asked for the stick vacuum so I could just bring it up to vacuum the rugs and also make it easier to sweep my stairs down since it converts into a hand vac as well. I think this might be the most excited I've been to use a gift in a long time. I swept my living room floors and rug today and this thing is great. The cats like to use those cheap cardboard scratchers which make a huge mess leaving little shreds of cardboard everywhere and I'm usually too lazy to use the broom and dustpan more than once a week or so by which point the floors look like absolute shit. This thing is quick and easy enough that I can easily use it like every other day and keep my house looking so clean.
  5. Excuse me I won Bracketering
  6. This means you're now legally obligated to play on Saturday and let me win every game
  7. You guys are going to let me win all the games tonight right? Tomorrow is my birthday so u have to.
  8. Yeah. Looked like what should have been an off limits construction area but was totally left open Not sure what they were doing. The "doorway" was only a couple inches taller than me and I'm 5'1".
  9. Annnnd my last 2 clients also cancelled Neato
  10. I'm like the youngest or 2nd youngest person on my team but everyone is still a millennial or gen x. Once you get into upper management there are a lot more boomers but the people out in the field and even in middle management are younger
  11. I'll hug Gordon instead
  12. I'm good thanks
  13. I like it sometimes. Especially if it's already been a busy day/week and my first or last of the day cancels. If I'm low on productivity it can be annoying but today it's Friday and I'm off to a strong start for the month so they can all cancel for all I care.
  14. Ok but if u pet him for any longer it's capital punishment for u. Even if he begs u to pet him
  15. That's pretty neato
  16. No way A noodle for one minute of petting Gordon?
  17. Idk that's just what we call them. Calling them patients makes it sound like we're doctors or something
  18. Nah Pretty sure I was supposed to get something for having low productivity in July and August but it seems my supervisor "forgot" to do that and her last day was Wednesday.
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