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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. Don't lie I saw ur and Kidney's chatlogs
  2. So the client calls today after a few days of peace back on some shit. He did/said something that really, really rubbed me the wrong way and now I'm all in my feelings about it. I really need to vent about it but idk how to do it without giving away basically his whole life story and also sounding like an awful person if I say how I feel about him and no one has time for all that so I guess I'll just have to wait until our Monday morning meeting YAY
  3. That would require leaving my house so no
  4. I did most of my cleaning yesterday before work since I started late. All I need to do today is sweep/Swiffer the kitchen. Maybe sweep/Swiffer upstairs too if I'm feeling ambitious.
  5. I probably should go to the store sometime Sunday evening but other than that I have no reason to leave my house until then It's wonderful
  6. Indeed was always my go to. I just had like 12 different keywords I would use to search and it would save them so every day I would just go through the list of stuff to see what was new. You can upload your resume and it will highlight jobs where you match the qualifications. You can also mark that you're looking for a job and supposedly employers will contact you though I've only ever gotten spam that way
  7. if u dont have kids who will u mentally and physically abuse into submission to insure they take care of u when ur old
  8. So what is ur favorite Christmas movie???
  9. Everyone when a child says they want kids: "Oh how cute! Here play with these dolls!" Everyone when a grown-ass adult says they don't want kids: "But how can you know! You'll change your mind one day." Seriously when I was a kid and teen I would tell people how I wanted kids one day and no one questioned it. But when you get older and fully understand just how much goes into raising a child and say "actually never mind" suddenly everyone loses their minds
  10. I used to be so sure I wanted kids but the older I've gotten the less sure I was about it. Now I'm sure I don't want them, especially not my own too many mental and physical disorders to risk passing on. I think Kidney's nieces and nephews are good enough for me. I like kids well enough in small doses but more as an aunt kind of role where I can be the one that gets to do fun stuff with them and then drop them back off home. Kidney's brothers don't really seem to know what birth control is so I'm sure they'll keep popping out more kids for awhile. We've talked about it a bit and once we buy a house we'll probably keep an extra bedroom or two in case any of the kids want to come stay with us. Lord knows they need the positive influence in their lives and the escape from the craziness that is the rest of his family. I wonder if I could find a doctor that would let me get my tubes tied before I'm like 40 because "wHaT iF yOur huSbanD wAntS kiDs SomEdaY"
  12. he'll bite ur fingers off so u can't type anymore
  13. how dare u call me that
  14. he'll claw ur eyes out if u don't he's a vicious killer
  15. U better let him back out after he delivers it so he can come back home
  16. I'll strap some to Gordon and send him ur way
  17. NO, FUCK U
  18. Halloween is kewl, too. Wish we had gotten more trick or treaters we were expecting way more so now we have way too much candy
  19. I made a single thread how much more "calm" could I get? Haven't even busted out the Christmas decorations yet maybe this weekend I'll start <_<
  20. Then just deal with it u bitch
  21. Just get them all gift cards and stfu gawd
  22. Gone Thank god I love being able to go outside without instantly sweating
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