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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. They still will every time someone says "Happy Holidays"
  2. I can't wait to destroy Christmas by wishing people a Happy Holidays
  3. Urmom makes jesus cry
  4. So does urmom
  5. Who wants to do some PCP
  6. I wouldn't even include a cover letter unless they request one. Like GSN said I'd just explain the gaps in your interview if it comes up. Did you participate in any clubs in college or do any research assistant type work? Or do any volunteer work? When I was applying for my first job out of college I literally only had one month at Wal-Mart the summer before I started college on my resume. I added some 'work' I did helping a graduate student in my department to my "work experience" (it was unpaid and I only had to commit like 2 hours total in a week but I did it for a year and was able to use her as a reference) and I had a section for clubs I participated in. I had a leadership position in one club and mentioned that as well. I added a summer I volunteered at an animal shelter to that section as well. Got a solid job within one months of starting my search.
  7. Tic's been gone since before the election. Think his little heart gave out from the excitement?
  8. It's fun and sad reading the comments on news articles. Saw an article today saying that Trump couldn't put his kids on his cabinet because apparently there was some speculation that he wanted to. People were wondering what the big deal was with him putting his own kids on his cabinet. These same people who cried about the Clintons and their "dynasty" smdh.
  9. I really hope he doesn't get a second term but America let me down on Tuesday so who knows.
  10. The "Trump will declare himself Supreme Emperor and be ruler of America until the end of times" option doesn't specify when the "end of times" is, so that one is closest.
  11. I just ate a 3 Musketeers bar. It was yummy.
  12. Totally serious poll here
  13. He better not he's supposed to take care of me like I did for him last week.
  14. I had it in college. Don't really drink too much anymore and it seems to be about 50/50 for getting a hangover now.
  15. This isn't fair. I demand karma.
  16. I just don't want to go to work feeling like shit.
  17. Indeed. Although maybe with these Trump protests going on, maybe I'll get the day off. Haven't checked the local news to see if there's anything going on in my city but the county I live and work in was like 60% Clinton (in a swing state that went red) so it could happen.
  18. It's gonna be so much fun.
  19. I had Wendy's for dinner today. Chili and Spicy Nuggets yum yum.
  20. Can I go to the Sanders timeline plz
  21. So is Trump going to build this wall and then not pay the workers since there's no way in hell Mexico is footing the bill? That seems like his style.
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