idk he just like...tries to micromanage things sometimes (in a job where workers have a very high amount of autonomy and are out in the field alone 75% of the time.) And he gets caught up on minor things sometimes and makes them a bigger deal than they need to be. Like before Thanksgiving I decided to switch my cubicle to the one next to mine, which was empty at the time. Should I have done it without asking? Probably not. But he made a big deal about it and took me into his office and talked about it for like 10 minutes when he could have just taken 2 seconds to say "don't do that without asking for approval", which is what my other supervisor (his supervisor) did.
Also he like, lied to my face about the situation and said someone else had wanted to switch to that cubicle and should have been given top priority. Even though he offered to let someone else switch to it first, and the girl that started on Monday was going to get it since that other person didn't want it.
And sometimes he's just...awkward. So very awkward.