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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. Don't think the union would like them trying to fire me for that. I'm on a last chance agreement thing that says the union can't represent me if another incident like what happened before occurs, but they can still represent me for anything else. Don't think he can call me on appointments like that, either.
  2. I still need money tho. I mean like what if I lie and my supervisor finds out and then won't grant me personal time.
  3. I already had a plan. I was gonna say I had to take my car in one day and come in late (which I did today but today is my usual late night so no one knows I had to take it in). The day I was gonna leave early I was going to say I have a dentist appointment. I have too much shit to do to call off a whole day.
  4. What if they found out.
  5. Doubt it. What if he refuses to grant my personal time.
  6. So I have 2 interviews next week (Yay!). But both are during work hours. One day I can flex it out and just come in later and leave later, but one I'll have to take personal time for. For both I'll have to tell my supervisor. Should I be honest or make up a fake doctor appointment?
  7. I've never been offered a job on the spot. Do they even do that irl.
  8. It's pretty sweet
  9. This place is literally a 5 minute drive. I could probably walk it on a nice day if I really wanted to. Good luck.
  10. Isn't it "don't call us we'll call you" that means you didn't get it? <_< Thnx
  11. Idk how it went...Was pretty quick but maybe that's standard. They did tell me I could call by the end of the week if I don't hear back from them so that's something I guess? S: Seems like it would be a fun place to work. Totally different from what I do now but closer to what I thought I wanted to do when I was fresh out of college. Gonna write up a thank-you e-mail and send that out before the end of the day.
  12. Yes, because being able to "own" people on Twitter for saying mean things about you is totally a metric we should use to measure how good a president is. Or did you mean to say "continues to make an embarrassment of himself by acting like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum" instead of "owned Meryl Streep"?
  13. Eh..I dunno. I've thought about occupational therapy but that would need a lot more schooling.
  14. Idk man. Something that's more direct service involved. With my job it's more about referring clients to services that will help them. I want to be the one doing that hands on helping kind of stuff.
  15. That will be $1000
  16. I'll suck u up
  17. It's good. First interview tomorrow. Got a call back about my resume from another place today. I think it might be kind of similar to what I already do, which I want to avoid. But I think I'll still call them back tomorrow and ask for more details. Also had another place e-mail me asking me if I was interested in a different position than what I applied for, but is almost the same exact thing I do now so I politely declined that. Also had some bank that found my resume on Monster call me. Not sure what in my resume or profile indicates that I'd ever want to work at a bank, but I told them I wasn't interested.
  18. No thnx ur mom already took care of me
  19. Do u track ur calories, too
  20. I'll put ur mom on it
  21. Ur mom is just that good But in all seriousness, I did this work out class at the gym that literally killed me. RIP, me.
  22. https://giant.gfycat.com/ClutteredLimitedArchaeocete.gif
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