They haven't called me yet to let me know when to come back in to discuss what action they're going to take...That's good, right? No news is good news and all that...If they were gonna fire me it would be simple but it takes time to figure out another type of disciplinary action....Right?
But honestly I'm accepting of it if they do fire me. I've started to hate my job anyway. I've been passively looking/thinking about getting another job for quite awhile, and had started actively searching/applying for a new job while I was off for the holiday. I just need to make money in the meantime. Unemployment would help but wouldn't be enough. I have a decent amount saved up (decent enough that, with unemployment and being careful about how I spend, absolute worse case end of the world scenario, I could probably finish out my lease and move back in with my parents if I absolutely had to. Obviously I don't want that though).
Also it would be nice to get some shit together at my current job, confirm some people for references, and be able to leave without having to worry about how I'll tell future employers why I left.