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Everything posted by God-Says-No

  1. it is expensive and imo not amazing either
  2. God-Says-No


    thats odd
  3. vagisil will fix that
  4. the jellyfish were the best
  5. so i guess your personal pillow is rejecting your below par dick then
  6. God-Says-No


    Youll be back
  7. I dont know how many times luuv banned me I know nayruu was some one who was always after me and I cant remember the one mods name but it was around the time before the collapse of ib I remember a 3 day ban for spam when she tried to be a try hard
  8. rogue only protects zeni
  9. God-Says-No


    well im not that young
  10. God-Says-No


    shut up old lady the world is for the young
  11. God-Says-No


    actually i think you are older than me eww youre old
  12. I thought this was gona be a post about moving a wall of shit and pure cancer but nope zeni remains
  13. God-Says-No


    I didnt hear tell me about it
  14. well maybe they will reaire it after they rework the animating like teen titans vs teen titans go power puff girls vs the newer one (similar animating different story/plot arcs) ben 10 vs newer etc
  15. it wasnt great but i wouldnt say lame either
  16. inb4 cartoon network reboots totally spies
  17. well according to the pictures zeni probably would hes a pro cock sucker
  18. God-Says-No


    could be a wattage issue or a short has been created
  19. God-Says-No


    well that sucks I guess a lot of different changes and staff changes will be coming then
  20. crush strawberry is far superior
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