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Green Ghost
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Everything posted by viperxmns

  1. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    Issues have been fixed, took a Pokéwalkabout this evening, caught a mess of Johto Oh also Hoothoot can be Ditto, got one earlier
  2. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    Chikorita mine first Johto starter Seems like issues are resolved, maybe..
  3. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    New Pokémon are goooo Really bad loading issues right now
  4. I think cacao (and coffee) are both berries, or cacao is a seed and coffee is a berry, theys just called beans
  5. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    Update is live! Genders are live, noticed some other cosmetic changes, no Gen 2s on my tracker yet, no additional evolutions for current Pokemon
  6. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    Hrm Still have to buy upgrades, but they're cheaper
  7. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    Nothing here yet, haven't heard from my bro-in law who is on top of these things either
  8. Grandparents escaping nazis
  9. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    Funny thing is I also haven't seen Slowbro, but I don't need him Looking forward to all the Gen 2 stuff (avatar things too), sure hope our bags will increase by default to support the new
  10. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    Aaugh Chansey appeared on my tracker once this entire time and fled beforeI could get there Now Gen 2 is imminent..
  11. Splunge
  12. [Youtube]
  13. Whenever Jason Douglas is on-screen now I'm just like, 'ah, Lord Beerus'
  14. viperxmns


  15. My mom likes gin and ginger ale, as far as drinks go I've done tinkering here and there, I liked blood orange peel as an infusion
  16. Had an S3 for a bunch of years til the battery crapped out and I upgraded to S7 Glad I did sos I could play PokeGo n stuff Also my S3 screen had cracked and I replaced it myself, but after a while without the contact glue it kept loosening itself, wasn’t worth it
  17. I am hoping to catch at least one freakin Chansey in Pokémon Go with this Valentine's event High bar
  18. Get a tat that says "Don't touch me", preferably with Brak
  19. As a hyoomon I would be ded if I wasnt a certain percent moist
  20. 4Kids OP might be tolerable if they add in the fart noises and you watch it in a group while drinking, like with The Room
  21. Certainly sets an intresting challenge, but it's kinda cool to give Williams the reins in that way, if he wants to do it like that
  22. Dangus
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