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Everything posted by resurrected

  1. I noticed that about the colors as well. I am rarely on mobile, except Monday and Tuesday nights. My color is there on mobile, unlike desktop, as you stated. Didn’t really know why until now. Well, my other profile I should say.
  2. He's already spent the money.
  3. I only have one alt here. Back in the days of MySpace, I had dozens. Because I got banned a lot. Tom was a piece of shit. But not as bad as Zuckerberg.
  4. My grandfather has dementia, and it is a bitch. A real mother fucker of a disease.
  5. I'm still waiting on a fugg's hoohah profile...
  6. Haha @ Duncan_Idaho. Catchy.
  7. The hell? I tried to click on that, and fuck. You got me.
  8. Cock is cock. Let's roll.
  9. I would love to go somewhere like KFC with you, and you ask for a bucket of cocks.
  10. cryptkicker5.
  11. resurrected


    post your alt name....if you dare.
  12. I have an hour until Raw. Just posting shit because I'm bored.
  13. It's possible that he misinterprets this and decides to give you something else.
  14. I log off every time I get up. If I am not typing, I am not here. I do not lurk.
  15. The doctor is out to lunch.
  16. I resemble this remark. And yes. I am an alt. Because I got banned. Otherwise, I'd be here as myself.
  17. Like you don't know who I am...
  18. Well, your sentence is good. Better than some, who have no excuse.
  19. I'm not a big fan of them either. Some I don't mind, while others suck.
  20. Must be serious since it's beyond an optometrist being able to fix it.
  21. Burger. Two Hershey's Nuggets with toffee. Lots of sweet tea.
  22. Yep. Disco always has something going on outside.
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