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Everything posted by resurrected

  1. A pink slip is the closest you will ever get to anything pink.
  2. Zeni. All you have to do is deposit a bag of Doritos into the cardboard box.
  3. Fine. Be like that then.
  4. I want a hemp farm.
  5. And that bill was from May. Once it reaches a certain amount of delinquency, they will report it to collections, and her shitty therapy sessions, which seem to be enabling her behavior, will cease.
  6. Fuggs, stop checking out my profile and respond.
  7. She doesn't have anything anyone would want. All she has are STD's and debt.
  8. I see what you did there. She don't pay for shit, so she gets shit.
  9. Does your psychiatrist tell you it's ok to throw your money away and to sleep with anyone you meet? Because those seem to be your only bragging rights. Look at me. I fucked white boi last night and my p*ssy is still tore up. I spent $3000 on candy bars last week, now I can't pay my car payment. Same shit with you all the time.
  10. You're not bi-polar. You're just a dumb fuck who can't handle money. Stop blaming an illness that you don't have on being a slut and an irresponsible adult. Jesus Christ, you will do anything for attention. You are pathetic.
  11. Zeni, do you have to report to the sheriff's department on Halloween night?
  12. rocky 5
  13. rocky 2
  14. rocky 3?
  15. this thread got tanked fast
  16. Ok, hurry up with the picture, before i find a new love of my life. a guy named cletus who is 27 wants to take me out. hes a bouncer.
  17. Here is a picture from earlier this year Now show me one of yours
  18. I am legal. Just turned 18. I will have to find a picture. I am in a small town in Jersey. I'm all about gaming and drinking. I'm looking for a boy friend that is hot and can buy me a drink. Are you hot? Do you like feet? I have kind of big feet for a girl. Ditch Julia and be my Romeo. But only if you're hot. Do you have a picture?
  19. Roses are red Violets are blue Nintendo Switch doesn't suck But I do
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