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Everything posted by midnight

  1. I meant to say shit shooter. Because saying it’s a game is kind of a stretch.
  2. Warframe is a shooter. I didn’t like it, but Elle is a fanatic for it.
  3. That’s how Fallout 4 was for me. I played and played and still had stuff to do. Awesome game, which most of Bethesda’s games are, but damn it was long. I did have fun finding all the bobble heads though.
  4. Don’t blow too hard. You might blow the house down.
  5. To each their own. I don’t discriminate.
  6. I’ve had Skyrim for a couple of years now, and have yet to play it. Not much time for games here either.
  7. Never! Ha! I would never try to keep your balloons out of a conversation.
  8. Thank you for the explanation. I just joined a couple of days ago. Just interested in the ins and outs. The subject kind of came up last night, so I was curious.
  9. I totally understand. I’m not into the playground junk either. Not trying to sit with the cool kids at the cool kid’s table. Just shootin’ the breeze.
  10. It won’t let me. I’m guessing that feature is missing from mobile. Or, I’m just a n00b.
  11. That’s what I was thinking, about the vanity part. Thanks for replying. Just wanted to make sure I had an understanding. Im not looking for cool points. I just post whatever, when I’m bored.
  12. I was trying to upload a video, but it would seem that I cannot on the mobile version.
  13. Every time I log on to my Xbox, I see a mutual friend playing Warframe. She is obsessed with that game. I was gonna play GTA with her, but she can’t atop Warframe long enough. Haha!
  14. Let me ask a question. I noticed something last night in a conversation that stated something along the lines of who ever posts the most content, helps generate money for this site. Are people in a competition to get points and post counts, “likes”, etc.?
  15. I just couldn’t get into it. I like shooter games, but this one didn’t work for me. And how is it that y'all are still playing this, like a year later? Like, aren’t you, or haven’t you been damn near fully upgraded for a minute now? Sea of Thieves is fun, but you’re a PS4 person. 😭
  16. I have noticed that as well.
  17. If you want a dick and cheese sammich up the ol’ pooter, I’ll get my travel agent on the phone for ya.
  18. Hahahahaha!
  19. If we’re talking about who I think we’re talking about, and I’m sure we are, I’d rather stick my dick in a meat grinder and make ground dick and cheese sandwiches. Then turn said sandwiches sideways, and shove them right up my ass. Like the girls in Beijing do.
  20. I mean, how is it not made up? The theory came from ManBearPig.
  21. Haha! Damn!
  22. Not only no, but no with a side order of FUCK NO!
  23. I gave this comment a “Thank you” then realized what you did there. Sponge will agree. Marvel is WAY better. Haha!
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