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Everything posted by midnight

  1. Gonna change my name to 8pm.
  2. I feel like I just sat right back and heard a tale, a tale of a fateful trip. Be safe and watch out for crabs.
  3. Thank you. Woke up at 6 this morning. Still feel like garbage. Just gonna rest today.
  4. You're too chubby and too beta for the Marines.
  5. i have hung in there as long as i can. hope you all have a great night.
  6. More like, "Honey, the boy told some lady to go F^&* herself in her a$$ with a f&*(*&^ barbed wire wrapped 2X4."
  7. HAHA. We have to cover OUR ears half the time our kid says something. Whatever disco said, she probably learned from our boy.
  8. I love Samsung products, except their phones. No more Samsung phones for me. Iphone or bust.
  9. Based on the ingredients, if it doesn't make me feel better, at least it'll kill me.
  10. The Rick and Morty sticker on the back glass of disco's car, concurs that zero fucks were given.
  11. I wouldn't dream of putting you out. I am all drugged up for the night now. Only a shot of NyQuil left to take, then it's night night time.
  12. (snoops around to see if disco has a life insurance policy on me). OH SHIT!
  13. It might be a wet fart tonight.
  14. Oh don't you even. I bought you the $100 deluxe edition of FFXV and you played it for 10 minutes before saying fuck this game.
  15. I just found some antibiotics. I still feel like shit. And I know the antibiotics will mess my stomach up. It's gonna be a long night.
  16. disco doesn't play xbox. I do. She's all hung up on her PS4. I am not shy on it. I jumped right into Sea of Thieves a few months after it came back, and everyone was a fucking pro, and I didn't know how to do shit. I kept dragging the team down but I didn't give a shit. I was talking smack and jumping around and shooting shit like an idiot.
  17. I was the night manager for a couple different grocery stores at one point in my life. Started out as a stocker. Moved all the way up to night manager. I liked it sometimes, but most of the time I hated it. Where I worked, the managers were in charge of setting up displays and end caps. I hated setting end caps. Plus, the store I worked at was a two hour, one way drive for me, every night. The pay was great, but managing folks who aren't paid enough to give a shit, was a challenge.
  18. This reminds me of "touch" football with Jerry Sandusky.
  19. Yeah. @Sawdamizer, do you wanna play with me?
  20. Tell me, and be honest, do you enjoy working in grocery?
  21. Games I want: 1. Assassin's Creed Odyssey 2. WWE 2K19 3. Fallout 76 4. Red Dead Redemption 2 5. Shadow of the Tomb Raider 6. Summerset 7. Man of Medan 8. Resident Evil 2
  22. Wear sun glasses.
  23. We have it on PS2 and the remastered edition on PS4. Haven't played through the whole remastered version yet.
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