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Everything posted by new_disease

  1. I'm more of a Red Vines guy. Something about Twizzlers is off to me
  2. no i've only used my phone to be on here once. why use puny screen when i can use the bigger screen
  3. I don't have much to say either. we could talk which are the best snack foods or something. everyone loves snax
  4. This counts probably. My actual face but drawn by deathy back in the old IB days. I wonder where that hat is. 🤔 I still have those glasses so I want to recreate that look and compare how much I've aged. Terribly most likely
  5. 10.5. Not that big but I got my final foot size early in life and people used to say I had rabbit feet 😢
  6. idk, i did just have a lot of shrimp. I've got shrimp breath
  7. accurate
  8. the 🍑 gets me every time 😤 😒
  9. Wear a mask at least. Plus I think it'll be funny if thats the one thing you have on. Safety first
  10. Nice. It's not exactly the same but once I considered getting a digital voice recorder to record while I sleep at night and see if I could catch anything spooky. But then the thought of actually getting something legit recorded freaked me out because I dont have the means to move yet and i'd be stuck with a ghostie.
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