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Everything posted by jayrider128

  1. Meh, I live in New England so I have never personally been a Lebron fan. Kyrie has much more mileage on him then Lebron, and Lebron definitely has more baggage, no disrespect to the 2nd/3rd best Ball player off all time of course.
  2. Hmm i drifted back in forth all the time o gosh. I think i was Melo from Death Note a really long time. Grimmjow I think as well. I wish i was more precise but its been a minute.
  3. Yes, i still need to catch up on the last season but very hyped!
  4. jayrider128

    Duck Game

    Wow that's a really good observation. props. ill probably always find something in rick and morty thats funny, just cause thats me, but ya cant deny what you threw down on rick and morty.
  5. i dont know man, its already way to much fun.
  6. imma def gonna get around to that, looks like you put some hard work into it tho.
  7. yeah for sure man, like i cant say anything without being called an alt? what up with that
  8. nah if i was that gary wouldnt my name just be like "bucketsomething"
  9. oh thats sicc dood, that might not be my scene but ill read the shit out of it.
  10. who is that, what do i have to keep confirming my identity lol, i was a former user on [as] like i dont know who those people wtf lmao, like what makes me "bucket" or "westpark" i dont know what those/they are someone please explain this to me, is it like an inside joke here or something whats good
  11. So, any early predictions where you think Lebron is going? There is no way in hell hes staying in Cleveland. So far, Los Angeles looks to be his top destination as is said with Kawahi. That would be awesome. I have also heard Houston, but I don't know if that would really work.
  12. jayrider128

    Duck Game

    i dont know only if its really really really fun
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