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Everything posted by fuggstop

  1. Im 5'9 and my hair isnt green. Do u even know what an ompa loopa looks like?
  2. Dont do this. Speak for yourself. I can only understand 1/3 of his posts anyways. 🤣
  3. Newwwppp loooads of latex resilience in dis hoohah
  5. 😡 im not dumb. I just dont like to think when im here. What did i say that u thought was dumb?
  6. Wow. This is the last response I expected lol
  7. I don't date Yeah Nah
  8. Wtf Are u ok? My dad moved so much im an expert at it
  9. I have both hoo hah and no lyfe Until Sunday when im surrounded by all my friends. Ok tonite i have no lyfe lol
  10. Not enough
  11. Hello im madison everyone calls me madi so please do I'm also a very good drawer, but you Probably already know if my mom posted my drawings or not, i also like anime too, like my mom told me. And I was inspired by it too, todraw and all that. So thats basicly a summary of half of me, so see ya!
  12. Before pic (before my sugar daddy get my hair did)
  13. One. Hot air force guy. It made sense that he never tried to send a dick pic. Boy i learned a lesson that nite!
  14. Ooohhhh i just remembered something EXTRA cringey that i did in highschool Horrible senior year. This really cute blonde girl use to flirt with me trying to say she liked this boy. Well she did i guess. She talked about him so much everyday. She sat in my lap and scribbled his name in my notebook. Matt. She said she loved his blue eyes. Well i worked at McDonalds right across from the school. One day this gorgeous guy walked in his with little brother and big sister and my fucking psychic abilities go haywire (i was a legit strong ass witch back in those days) and i just KNEW IT WAS HIM. I took this as a sign that i had to tell him about my girl and try to get them together. Well i blab like crazy to this guy and he pretends to go along with it. Ugh poor kid. Couldn't even go to McDonald's. He never came back and my girl was piisssssed. She forgave me but i embarrassed the fuck out of her. Wouldn't be the last time my preternatural senses fucked my life that year either.
  15. Stupid teenagers had their stupid car parked sideways in the steet talking about going around them in my big ass suv and i got pissed and cussed them out then called the police on them Im tired of the stupid motherfuckers in this neighborhood always blocking the goddamn street. Slackers with no jobs doing drugs and collecting welfare blocking me from coming home after being at work all goddamn day. Ooohh..i wanted to take my switch blade and slit everyone of their throats.
  16. How many times do i have to tell you? I love all four inches.
  17. While catching feelings
  18. Ooo i can't WAIT til i skinny again!
  19. AHHHHGG...OH MY GAWD! *leaves to go change panties*
  20. Like mh said "its not like im taking you out. Im just fucking you." 🤣
  21. Feeling froggy? Jump
  22. Lol shuddap
  23. My brother is happily married for over 20 years and i know for a fact he cybers because he once accidentally thought i was one of her cyber hoes on yim way back in the day Its just fantasy stuff. Whats with people not even wanting their partner to fucking fantasize?
  24. I like u so ✅ yes
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