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Everything posted by fuggstop

  1. And theres sucking a mods butt cheek so you can continue to be abusive with no consequences. Ill leave now. Thanks 😁
  2. Dont bicker. Proceeds to bicker.
  3. Probably still working here and living in the same fucking house while madison visits looking beautiful af and giving me a sad look as i feed 100 cats. Visits with her husband and kids
  4. This thread is fugg approved. That is all.
  5. Wouldn't that make what i said even truer idiot
  6. It wasnt any of my cards!
  7. Mom has never in her entire life paid anything towards the phone bill.
  8. In his bedroom. He lived on the 3rd floor. I remember making it up all the stairs and trying to hide the fact it made me breathless lol The sex was great and it didnt hurt for more than a second. My debit card and license fell out of my jeans pocket. There was no way i was going back up those stairs to get them so i just had him toss them out his window.
  9. Turning women off the cock since 1999?
  10. fuggstop

    What a slut

    Look at those big eyes full of lust
  11. Everything come out alright?
  12. Everytime i pay all my bills and am caught up some tempting "mistake" happens and puts me back behind 😭
  13. I had one rib,two hot dogs and a half a sausage
  14. And i didn't do it...ummmm
  15. This is code to your fellow Russians isnt it
  16. Nope. She quoted my vid and insulted me idiot. Go look!
  17. Theyll be pics tomorrow!
  18. Nah. Its not red lobster. A food truck that comes to my job and serves pure joy!
  19. My belly is so ready. Just eating a tuna snack today for lunch in preparation!
  20. Ah ok These tests usually say subsaharan africa...was looking for that. My b
  21. Wait...no african? *gasp!*
  22. Now u must speak in scary russian accent
  23. Shut up before i sit on your beard, gnome!
  24. Sipping some mad dog 20/20. Cruising with the A/C on full blast. Aint nobody can tell me nothing. 😎😎😎
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