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Everything posted by fuggstop

  1. Uhhh..what if you can't help it? 😭
  2. And he says "can i join u?" I automatically say "then i gotta pay some bills" Cut that "can i join u" sentiment out real quick
      • 1
      • Haha
  3. The rounded corners were class and perfect for cracking...i know...i handled sooo many cracked ones...i think that was the phone that i cut myself on trying to fix for a customer
  4. I still would fuck thor i dont care
  5. Yes. There was glass all the down to the corners which was stupid
  6. Ew
  7. Cuz that phone was all glass. Many people cracked the shit outta that phone lol I have my s9 in a rubber reinforced case...dropped it so many times. No issues.
  8. Iphones are nothing but money grabs
  9. I love him He gives off fuckboi vibes tho
  10. i aint eating bugs ..nooo way
  11. 😳
  12. whoppers was one of my go to meals and one of the few things that stopped me from feeling sick when i was pregnant lol
  13. What stupid shit do i do? What are u calling stupid? Having fun? Going outside and interacting with people? Maybe i should sit on the internet all day and be the moral police while i get older and uglier and more alone like you???
  14. Omg u just made favorite posters with this one!
  15. I used to date this really poor guy who was a little off kinda like ghostrek...for breakfast every morning he had black coffee and 1 poptart lol i used to have to feed him real food 🤣
  16. No. I read you can eat thin skin berries actually but beans have thin skin too....kinda berry like! I ate twice this week outside my fasting window but still lost 2 lbs. My total lost is 22lbs. I ate because i was sad lol
  17. Lima beans. Theres some okra in it too.U can put sugar in any bean tho
  18. Youd think i was the 2nd smartest after a spoonful of bean HEAVEN
  19. Like i went over to my aunt and uncles once years ago and my cousin's kid was there and still a toddler- dont know where she was. Well they were all having a good time rinsing out beer cans and putting juice in the can and letting my cousin's kid drink out the can so itd look like the kid was drinking beer. Another time i went over there...well my uncle kinda adopted all his wife's sisters kids cuz she was a crackhead. So there were a whoolle lotta kids comig in and out of his house. Most of which i didnt know. And at some point one of these kids were hitting on me and they were all encouraging me to date this dude and i was all like "i dont kno who he is. I might be related to him." LOL like i really didnt know. Kids were coming out the woodwork like roaches You think im a bipolar mess..my aunt is way way worse. I think shes undiagnosed. She used to work for my millionaire uncle. Well she ended up quitting or getting fired after they had a huge fight. For weeks he paid her unemployment insurance.After that my aunt would proceed to file every complaint she could against him with the labor board and whoever. At some pt i worked for my uncle too until he could find someone and every day something new would come in the mail because of her. She even said he discriminated against her because she was disabled. For years after this she would claim he owes her money and tell anyone who would listen the same. Oh and her 20something year old boyfriend would text my uncle cussing him out "fuck you and your buses" 🤣🤣 Same aunt at her father's funeral..she was trying to run everything. She told my very proper and successful cousin to 'stay in a child's place" my cousin was in her late 30s at the time. Cousin wasnt having it and body slammed my aunt and started beating her breaking the funeral homes like $1000 table with my aunts ass. To this DAY my aunt is not allowed back up there when other family members die (there being CT...the ratchedness crossed state lines) Dont even get me started on undiagnosed bipolar grandma who pulled a knife on me when i was 8 cuz i didn't want to wash the dishes 🤣🤣
  20. Says who!? *nomnomnom*
  21. Mm it is soo good And shutup....i can eat beans during my fast...Fasting for Dummies says so!
  22. fuggstop

    Incels rise!

    Ok whatever ive been mean enough for one day
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