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Everything posted by QueenoftheDorks

  1. Magica Record: Puella Magi Madoka Magica 1 Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken! 1
  2. Technically Jessi is from New Jersey, but she's based out of South Korea.
  3. It's always iffy on if I'll get anything decent back (I think last year I got like a hundred bucks or so) but I always try to knock them out early just so I don't have to worry about it. This is the first year i don't have to do a state return and I'm more excited than i should be. 😆
  4. They're trying to sell you on the show using the one level above a loli "character" who exists solely be to groped by male characters. If you enjoy every fight scene she's even remotely close to be stopped to a halt to watch a child get sexually assaulted then she's the character for you!
  5. What does that have to do with Crunchyroll? They haven't been a pirate site in like a decade. Plus streaming is picking up in Japan. I assume Crunchyroll there primarily hosts the originals they stream via VRV like RWBY.
  6. Attack on Titan The Promised Neverland Demon Slayer Jojo's Bizarre Adventure My Hero Academia Dr. Stone Fire Force That's all I watched. I included blank space because putting Dr. Stone and Fire Force that close makes it look like I enjoyed them almost equally, but I did not.
  7. I mean these days anime OPs/EDs exist to sell records in addition to listing credits, but since you can't buy any of those albums here... eh. They could always go back to cutting them out completely.
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