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Everything posted by RainyDayJizz#35

  1. Holy shit that joke is hanging out in a corner trying to make sure no one notices it.
  2. Put words together and hope they're real!👍
  3. Are you fucking kidding me? You're our massive burden thanks to your parents thinking the had to make a bunch of new people after 10000 people died in a war. Fuck your freeloading generation. You deserve a cot and a hot plate and a communal toilet. And a stilson wrench to the head every morning.
  4. At this moment I hate growing up in an era of television ads. Obsession commercials were the worst.
  5. He has an account here? Wow.
  6. Or stupidity?
  7. Fuck the elderly we should take more of their money. They don't need it they're dead.
  8. Hello, you wanna do something about all these Packard threads?
  9. This thread: Packard: THINK ABOUT IT, SHEEPLE!
  10. I didn't even think to do them, a bunch of mine shut down finding out who the guy is.
  11. I'm not here to make your points for you but I doubt he gets anywhere close to baby shark numbers. Do you instinctively yell for your mom to wipe your ass when you finish shitting too?
  12. So what does this tell you about the sort of people that supply ratings to radio? Cause on the internet where you can get accurate ratings it seems like way more people are into baby shark than Rush Limbaugh.
  13. Working second shift is the best at my age. I'm at work when people are doing shit and no one wants to do stuff when I'm clocking out. My work week is SILENT.
  14. Do you know how radio ratings are measured?
  15. Visiting my dad was a fun educational experience. His objective is owning some libs. A noble political goal held only by the brightest of scholars.
  16. Can you tell me how many are 12 year old edgelords?
  17. Soon: horchata, no ice
  18. I need an adult far more than I did previously.
  19. I need an adult.
  20. I don't let myself be bullied, so maybe no?
  21. All of it. No one likes what you are doing, it's awful. And you're going to live with this shame forever.
  22. Well in these days of brain evolution some women are born with them. Way to bring it all down, showing your true colors. It's a sad aspect of life to be born the wrong gender.
  23. Well you're a woman (perhaps) so that's to be expected. God damn I missed my errant misogyny of ages passed.
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