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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by MEXobiologist

  1. what were you in the hospital for?
  2. wtf... why tho? 0.o so far, you might have one of the strangest.
  3. where? this is very important to me.
  4. and benefits unless the money is enough to cover not having the benefits
  5. i only go through random bouts of reading books but have almost always dated hard core book worms. some are writers and editors as well. none seemed to mind my lack of reading, even a little. so don't worry about it and just ask questions about whatever book she wants to talk about.
  6. too late
  7. no lbs for you then!
  8. and some are prettier than others
  9. i'll just give you all my old ones once they start to lose their fluff.
  10. i know someone who is trying to find a qualified person to run his farm. its outside tho, so quite a bit different from growing indoors. its also extremely demanding in time and you have to manage the security team. so i guess, how hard do you wanna work for it?
  11. no, i'll just be rocking the classic blue denim. we can wear crazy colorful or black jeans to work whenever, i don't, but we can. we just can't wear blue denim. makes a whole bunch of sense, right? (insert hard eye roll here)
  12. Yeah, that seems way too brutal to deal with day in and day out.
  13. work. i'll be wearing green though, so that i can wear jeans... because my life is just that exciting then probably whatever usual saturday shenanigans
  14. Happy Birthday! i hope its a relaxing one
  15. whats the internship?
  16. nice selective reading problems you got there zeni
  17. woods is more strange than school. were you just chillin or what?
  18. murder mystery cruise?
  19. unless its from inside your washing machine, thats not at all strange
  20. i sleep in a bedroom that has a peak ceiling, so i use a dresser anything that must be hung, hangs down in the laundry room
  21. I actually believe this.
  22. But.... there are only two closets and neither are mine. I'm afraid I don't know who's house you are in sir.
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