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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. ppl will die holmes
  2. you're funnier than me
  3. Storming that bitch=death
  4. I agree cuz
  5. Skip to the 7 minute mark. This dude rambles A LOT lol
  6. Everyone just hates each other now.
  7. Why would you show anyone from here your penis
  8. He posted about it. Lol I can't remember his name tho
  9. A schlong smorgisborg
  10. i have taken 8687687796978689767857657656876876786786787897888889
  11. Dude i dont give a shit how sexy someone is. They can kick fucking rocks if they think I'm paying a single cent for their fucking piss. Take several fucking seats.
  12. I know a youtuber that talked about his terrible experience working at Gamestop. Gamestop found out where he works now, called his HR department, and got him fired. Slimy fucks. I will continue to buy games elsewhere.
  13. I literally only leave the house for gigs. Which is somewhat often so....kinda. But just going outside just for the sake of it? Fuck no. Video games mate
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