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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. I have a six pack but it's not all veiny and shit lol
  2. Lol just noticed your rank
  3. Eff off. I'm making a giant pot of spageti. You GET NONE!
  4. This is the only thread in existence that makes me feel fat lol
  5. Wasup? 😎
  6. Oh you actually do it. That's awesome! Thought you were playing
  7. You did tho
  8. You like that cobweb dick?
  9. Your situation sounds a bit worse than mine. Really sorry that happened to you at work. That's bullshit.
  10. I didn't really feel anything to be honest. I completely wasn't expecting it so I was pretty shy when it happened. I guess overall it made me feel really awkward
  11. It's all good fugg. I aint mad just kinda creeped
  12. Ew don't do that
  13. Really weird. Ran across the street, and a car drove by. I couldn't see the lady but she was like "yeah I like the way you run baby! Oohhh yeah!" Fucking weird
  14. Congrats on the food baby!
  15. Girl you wrong I was about to congratulate tf outta you
  16. One person found this funny. Won't kill myself now
  17. Aight shit
  18. Who do I need to kill?
  19. Do you have a preexisting condition that affects your jaw/throat?
  20. Great game Rams. Yall beat the fuck out of my Saints. That shit was hard to watch. Really hope for a rematch when Drew is better. Also fucking hell does Teddy Bridgwater need work. I think I'm gonna drink now.
  21. This shit fucking sucks tho. I know it would be a different game if Drew wasn't hurt.
  22. Fucking right it is. I'll watch till the end tho. I'm not a fairweather pussy.
  23. I know. Fucking bullshit. Every fucking time.
  24. Kinda drained. Stomachs fine now tho lol
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