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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. Taking a nap. Bye haters
  2. Getting ready to take a nap
  3. Idk. I was high bro
  4. That's hot. Let me Holla real quik
  5. Trifling ass
  6. Yo fuck my phone for double posting. Piece of fucking crap.
  7. I'm not but idc enough to be mean. She does say wild shit sometimes but that ain't my problem.
  8. I'm not but idc enough to be mean. She does say wild shit sometimes but that ain't my problem.
  9. Yea I remember your name. You were order of the kitten?
  10. We're the unpopular kids
  11. Bro I still don't understand yall. This thread is pointless
  12. Nah fuck that. What are they jealous of?
  13. i remember babbling lol
  14. @NaBrainman this shit. Explain this shit lol
  15. lol I posted this and nobody cared so i decided not to but fuck it i will. Lol give me a sec
  16. Why do they all lie about you? lol also I will
  17. FUCK I WANT TO KNOW NOW! Seriously if you ever make it please post it. I actually have another episode where they do a speed dating event. Tbh I think it's better than this one
  18. I used Adobe animate and final cut pro. Wrote a script, recorded voice over and used ripped sprites from old mk games. Did it completely alone and it took weeks lol
  19. Dude there's so many of them I cant even remember and they're all so obscure. I hear your name thrown around in a lot of them. you must have done some fuck shit
  20. Thank God I'm not alone
  21. i started on ib around 07
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