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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. I should have fucking figured. I'm dumb.
  2. Tits bro. What's unison?
  3. Nah. I work for myself so I'm good. That's ass you should probably go to bed 😅
  4. You got work today?
  5. Playing uncharted 4. This game is fucking trash lol Why you still up?
  6. What's good?
  7. Who up?
  8. Yeah huge downer. I was really looking forward to this particular sex and it ended abruptly
  9. I mean it's nothing to brag about. Basic stuff that's pretty much happened to everyone. One time a girl was riding me and my dick slipped out and she landed on it. That shit hurt really bad. I thought I'd have to see a doctor, but it quit hurting after a day. Idk I probably should have seen a doctor lol
  10. Nah. Sex related injuries. Nothing serious but shit happens
  11. Lmao nahh nothing like that I have injured it before tho
  12. That_One_Guy


    I hated it at first but the story is getting somewhat good
  13. YES AND SPIDERBABE! I'm bouta Google that shit lol
  14. Already got it. Really fucking dope game tho. One of my faves
  15. Lol yeah I just went through a period where I was always finessing my meat
  16. That_One_Guy


    Uncharted 4
  17. That skinimax shit. Looking back on it the shit looked ridiculous. The sex was so unrealistic but I swore it was real.
  18. Was it one of those softcore porns. Bikini cave girl was my favorite. I fucked my dick up to that trash
  19. Well browns gonna brown lol The day the browns win a superbowl will be the day Fuggs and Rogue play hopscotch
  20. Yep the host got on his ass. Lol I should have filmed it
  21. He got on stage and said shit about the hosts mom, then he looked at me and said "WE GOT A NATIVE AMERICAN OVER HERE" and he told this cringe stock Indian joke. Ended his set by saying "I'M NOT RACIST OR A HOMOPHOBE I HAVE A BIG GAY BLACK FRIEND" Fucking comedy man
  22. What's wrong?
  23. You haven't heard me "sing" lol
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