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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. We actually pulled a futon out of his small shitty apartment in Quip and drove all the way to the north shore with it in his van. We literally pulled it out and got the shot right there. Lol it was way harder than it looks
  2. Thank you. Your comment gave me covid
  3. FUN FACT!! We actually filmed the creeper dialogue and his reactions separate. Thats hollywood for ya! Fucking lies.
  4. We struggled to get through that with straight faces
  5. Very glad you're in recovery. Fuck this virus and what it did to you.
  6. Just a pile of shit
  7. I want my $20 back. This fucking thing is cutscenes and ridiculously fast QuickTime events. Fucking stupid. 1/10 It's not even a game. It's an interactive D list horror film. And a shitty one at that. Don't buy this festering pile of dog vomit. The devs that made this bullshit need to go back to full sail. I'm going to sleep
  8. I'd clap those balloon cheeks
  9. Way more feasible than mine
  10. Always do bro.
  11. You always come in this bitch asking 50 questions. Boujee af
  12. 1. Eat a lot of pussy 2. Get into a fight 3. Drink the beer 4. Die
  13. I hate when the bathroom is crowded. When it's empty it's honestly the best feeling ever
  14. My stomach is fucking annoying. Always has been tbh
  15. I'd keep it up my ass all day for self pleasure
  16. True but I only like shitting at home
  17. I hate it /Blog
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