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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. I'm enjoying learning Python. I know it's like the kindergarten of programming but I find it enjoyable. Are there any professional perks to learning C++? Also is there a tutorial YouTube channel I can check out? Also do you muff dive?
  2. Yeah it printed all the values except one. That's why I threw in that if statement at the end
  3. i just tried that and it made the dopest wall of numbers haha
  4. this is actually the full thing
  5. Basically I just don't know how to write the code. I'll be totally honest idk where to start. I know this doesn't help at all but I'm lost. I have to write a code that allows the user to type in a number that will call that function until the function returns one. I think the first thing I should do is import the function. That's a thing right?
  6. I gotta get this python shit first haha. I'll worry about the real shit once I get out of kindergarten
  7. Basically i gotta write a code that let's the user input an integer that calls a function until the function returns the value one. Defining the function was easy. I just can't get the actual code. The function is: Def collatz(number): If number(percent sign)2==o: Return number//2 Else: Return 3*number+1 So yeah I'm sure I just don't know what I'm doing
  8. I heard c++ is really fucking hard lol.if you have experience, I don't think you'll have an issue with python
  9. Python is easy relative to other languages apparently so I can't imagine how frustrating the shit you learned is lol
  10. Like when I type something out and can't figure out why it isnt working. Shits a different type of frustrating lol
  11. Lmao yep I get four chili burgers and a milkshake anytime I'm there because I'm a piece of shit
  12. Thanks bro
  13. Jet fuel can't melt steel beams
  14. Thank you I'll try! They're practicing precaution. Social distancing and mic covers
  15. Come on down bro. Get some of that western pa strange
  16. I do shows in the sticks all the time but never been out that way. I'm looking forward to it tbh
  17. Mountain Pines campground. It's waaaaay in the sticks lol
  18. Lol yep. Always is. When I play rural areas they put a beer in my hand immediately
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