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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. That's pretty much would I had going on but I definitely won't be having sex with this girl again.
  2. It was not fun at all. I wasn't into it and I 100 percent regret it
  3. That's the worst/best story ever
  4. I hope I die of covid
  5. You've had a bj tho right?
  6. You had one tho. You talked about it
  7. Youve had like six girlfriends bro
  8. Dude no you're fine man
  9. Oh shit I'm excited
  10. Sometimes that's honestly better
  11. I said id cum on someone. It's over.
  12. This bullshit is getting DFd
  13. I'll cum on quackers
  14. One day I'll learn
  15. Don't feel bad dude. It's overrated
  16. I don't mind a finger up my ass during a bj bruh
  17. She this time and yeah. It was me. Wasn't into it
  18. No I didn't want to do it but I did it out of obligation and it was awful
  19. They were open briefly. The rules were posted on the door but the weird thing was as soon as you got in you could take your mask off and everyone was insanely close to each other like normal. As far as I could see there was no enforcement of social distancing or how many people could be in the bar at one time. Not a surprise they had to close back down.
  20. Lol come to all my shitty dive bar shows in parts of PA that everyone avoids
  21. Got to do comedy like three times only for PA to fucking shut down again because fucking idiots think the virus is a hoax. Also yeah if you guys come to the Burgh check out Scarps. The wings are 🔥
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